Fighting Quotes

Text Quotes
Try fighting with your head for a change... it’s a good one, even if it does resist learning (Fighting Quotes)
A political prisoner is someone who is out fighting for his or her people’s rights and freedom and is imprisoned for that alone (Fighting Quotes)
All of the sports have a safety net, but boxing is the only sport that has none. So when the fighter is through, he is through. While he was fighting his management was very excited for him, but now that he is done, that management team is moving on (Fighting Quotes)
At the time that I knew them, they were not living together. They began dating again after their divorce, so I didn’t really see fighting (Fighting Quotes)
Every soldier must know, before he goes into battle, how the little battle he is to fight fits into the larger picture, and how the success of his fighting will influence the battle as a whole (Fighting Quotes)
Fighting a war on terrorism is like fighting against crime. We can never hope to eradicate crime, so we shouldn’t bother fighting it (Fighting Quotes)
I am not fighting for success, just to get more beauty out of myself and share it with more people (Fighting Quotes)
I believe that what we are fighting here is not just a small group of people who have hijacked a religion, but it is a civilization bent on destroying ours (Fighting Quotes)
I can’t let time move on without fighting tooth and nail and hopefully being a part of a revolution that is positive (Fighting Quotes)
I don’t feel a lack of hope. It’s just disappointment that after all these years we’re still fighting meaningless wars for a handful of people (Fighting Quotes)
I think my dad is this great, wonderful... man with a lot of integrity, who is fighting for things he believes in and is serious in what he wants to see happen and serious in helping people (Fighting Quotes)
I was away from the front lines for a while this spring, living with other troops, and considerable fighting took place while I was gone. When I got ready to return to my old friends at the front I wondered if I would sense any change in them (Fighting Quotes)
In the 1960s we were fighting to be recognized as equals in the marketplace, in marriage, in education and on the playing field. It was a very exciting, rebellious time (Fighting Quotes)
No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs (Fighting Quotes)
Now I’m fighting cancer, everybody knows that. People ask me all the time about how you go through your life and how’s your day, and nothing is changed for me (Fighting Quotes)
Since I’ve started fighting it has taught me a lot about self respect, self confidence and self control (Fighting Quotes)
That attitude that fighting is probably not fair, but you have to defend yourself anyway and damage the enemy, has been profoundly consequential as far as my political activism goes (Fighting Quotes)
The hope of the nation which throughout the nineteenth century had not for a moment reconciled itself with the loss of independence, and fighting for its own freedom, fought at the same time for the freedom of other nations (Fighting Quotes)
This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war (Fighting Quotes)
Why in almost all societies have married women specialized in bearing and rearing children and in certain agricultural activities, whereas married men have done most of the fighting and market work? (Fighting Quotes)
You got to fight for quality art and equality and all the things that we’re fighting for, the things we believe in. Choice and preference and all those things that we support. We don’t want to give up that fight. You got to keep doing it (Fighting Quotes)
Freedom is not worth fighting for if it means no more than license for everyone to get as much as he can for himself (Fighting Quotes)
If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting (Fighting Quotes)
Those who believe in the importance of serving others should lead the way by fighting against the temptation we all have, and maybe especially as we age, to close in upon ourselves (Fighting Quotes)
Please remember we all come from the same one and we will all return to that one, so there is no reason for fighting (Fighting Quotes)
We are not going back to the failed policies of the past. We are fighting for the middle class! (Fighting Quotes)
As far as I’m concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face (Fighting Quotes)
It’s all about exploring the more unpredictable aspects in the character, not just fighting people (Fighting Quotes)
I have been going to the gym instead of the bar, trying to get back down to my fighting weight (Fighting Quotes)
If you can believe this, I didn’t fight for my first world title fight till I had 58 fights, so I really appreciated what I was fighting for and for whom as well (Fighting Quotes)