Fighting Quotes

Text Quotes
We can get the new world we want, if we want it enough to abandon our prejudices, every day, everywhere. We can build this world if we practice now what we said we were fighting for (Fighting Quotes)
It was a ludicrous, insane situation in which modern fighting men, possessed all of the highly destructive engines of war, were ordered to attack a medieval fortress using no weapons that would destroy or harm it (Fighting Quotes)
Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live (Fighting Quotes)
Read about some squirrelly guy who claims that he just don’t believe in fighting, and I wonder how long the rest of us can count on being free (Fighting Quotes)
It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, and if we give it up we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties (Fighting Quotes)
One thing we did well the whole tournament was keep fighting. And no matter what happened the point before, missed opportunity, missed easy shot, we just played the next point and blocked it out of our mind. That’s why we’re the champs (Fighting Quotes)
When you own gold you’re fighting every central bank in the world. That’s because gold is a currency that competes with government currencies and has a powerful influence on interest rates and the price of government bonds. And that’s why central banks long have tried to suppress the price of gold. Gold is the ticket out of the central banking system, the escape from coercive central bank and government power (Fighting Quotes)
Companies have never won. You’re always either fighting for survival, or fighting for relevance (Fighting Quotes)
Wars aren’t stopped by fighting wars, any more than you can fight fire with fire. You fight fire with water. You fight violence with nonviolence (Fighting Quotes)
Pacifists should stress more and more that it is the rule of law for which they are fighting (Fighting Quotes)
We fight to exist. Personally, I am not ashamed of fighting to exist. We are doing no very extraordinary thing to fight simply because we do not wish to be enslaved or exterminated (Fighting Quotes)
It’s not about loving animals. It’s about fighting injustice. My whole goal is for humans to have as little contact as possible with animals (Fighting Quotes)
Real love is fighting like hell to hold on to every moment you have with her. It’s making a life together and making it work no matter what happens (Fighting Quotes)
International solidarity is not an act of charity: It is an act of unity between allies fighting on different terrains toward the same objective. The foremost of these objectives is to aid the development of humanity to the highest level possible (Fighting Quotes)
I love the idea of playing a good guy who’s fighting his own demons (Fighting Quotes)
Watch for a wild boy of no particular clan, ready for anything, always armed. Prefers fighting to toil, drink to fighting, chasing women to booze or battle: may attempt all three concurrently (Fighting Quotes)
That in a civil war there is continuous fighting, based on grievences that are forever changing (Fighting Quotes)
The less you demand total fulfillment from relationships, the more you can appreciate them for the beautiful tapestries they are, in which absolute and relative, perfect and imperfect, infinite and finite are marvelously interwoven. You can stop fighting the shifting tides of relative love and learn to ride them instead. And you come to appreciate more fully the simple, ordinary heroism involved in opening to another person and forging real intimacy (Fighting Quotes)
There is something about libraries, old libraries, that makes them seem almost sacred. There’s a smell of paper and must and binding stuff. It’s like all the books are fighting against decay, against turning into dust, and at the same time fighting for attention (Fighting Quotes)
Too much time is wasted fighting one self and life itself. Peace and fulfilment emerge the moment you embrace both (Fighting Quotes)
The battle is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active, and the brave. A small, disciplined militia can not only hold out against a larger force, but drive it back, because what they’re fighting for rightfully belongs to them (Fighting Quotes)
We’re in a declared war, but unless were clear about who the enemy is, we’ll waste our time fighting enemies that aren’t enemies at all. There’s only one enemy and no matter what people do, say or react people are never the enemy. The enemy is our only enemy (Fighting Quotes)
You can’t be stuck if you’re not trying to get anywhere. Which, to me, means that when you stop fighting with the way things are, magic happens. You relax, open, and any action you take comes from alignment with what’s true (Fighting Quotes)
It never gets easier, you just go faster. To put it another way, training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired (Fighting Quotes)
Corporate planning cycles are a classic example of generals fighting the last war over again instead of preparing for what might lie ahead (Fighting Quotes)
We desire to possess a beauty that is worth pursuing, worth fighting for, a beauty that is core to who we truly are. We want beauty that can be seen; beauty that can be felt; beauty that affects others; a beauty all our own to unveil (Fighting Quotes)
Everybody is going to have a point in their life when they can’t see any brightness at the end of the tunnel…but there always is…you just have to keep on fighting (Fighting Quotes)
And I keep on fighting for the things I want. Though I know that when you’re dead you can’t. But I’d rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave (Fighting Quotes)
Fighters are afraid of conditioning, they are afraid of getting tired, but I don’t want to have anxiety or be afraid of anything. I can go 100 percent out there and never have to worry about getting tired. Everybody says fighting is 90 percent mental, and it’s true. Knowing you can go 15 minutes or 25 minutes without any problem can help you sustain that mental advantage over your opponent (Fighting Quotes)
Everyone can look inside his or her soul and decide what he or she can do to make a world at peace, to end this fighting that goes on every day around the world (Fighting Quotes)