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Fighting Quotes

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All the world needs are examples of people capable of living out their dreams and fighting for their ideas  (Fighting Quotes) When someone wants something, they must know why they are fighting. This is the only reason to seek a reward  (Fighting Quotes) Only through hardship, sacrifice and militant action can freedom be won. The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days  (Fighting Quotes) Heroes aren’t always the ones who win. They’re the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don’t give up. That’s what makes them heroes  (Fighting Quotes) Women can’t wait for equal pay. And I won’t stop fighting to address this inequality  (Fighting Quotes) I hope next time when we meet, we won’t be fighting each other. Instead we will be drinking tea together  (Fighting Quotes) What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue  (Fighting Quotes) If me and my girlfriend were fighting, and it got to the point where she started crying, I would just shut up and hold her  (Fighting Quotes) The truly liberated human being is not always fighting against something, but more frequently is fighting for something or someone  (Fighting Quotes) We must stop constantly fighting for human rights and equal justice in an unjust system, and start building a society where equal rights are an integral part of the design  (Fighting Quotes) There’s a place in me that can really relate to being the underdog. I’m always fighting to overcome the obstacle. I can really understand what’s that about  (Fighting Quotes) Whence comes war and fighting, and factions? Whence but from the body and the lust of the body? Wars are occasioned by the love of money, and money has to be acquired for the same and service of the body  (Fighting Quotes) Nonresistance is one of the principles of aikido. Because there is no resistance, you have won before even starting. People whose minds are evil or who enjoy fighting are defeated without a fight  (Fighting Quotes) Those politicians, professors and union bosses who curse big business are fighting for a lower standard of living  (Fighting Quotes) When you fight something, you’re tied to it forever. As long as you’re fighting it, you’re giving it power  (Fighting Quotes) I will never allow anyone to divide this people once more into religious camps, each fighting the other  (Fighting Quotes) Though we be active in the battle, if we are not fighting where the battle is the hottest, we are traitors to the cause  (Fighting Quotes) I rap about fighting back. I make it uncomfortable by putting details to it. It might not have been politically correct but I’ve reached somebody; They relating to me. They relate to the brutal honesty in the rap  (Fighting Quotes) Whether we’re fighting climate change or going to space, everything is moved forward by computers, and we don’t have enough people who can code  (Fighting Quotes) Martial arts is for defense. It’s not for attacking. So when people are fighting, always, always, defend  (Fighting Quotes) By accepting life’s limits and inevitabilities and working with them rather than fighting them, we become free  (Fighting Quotes) When we first begin fighting for our dreams, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times  (Fighting Quotes) ... painting a picture is like fighting a battle; and trying to paint a picture is, I suppose, like trying to fight a battle. It is, if anything, more exciting than fighting it successfully. But the principle is the same  (Fighting Quotes) Fang and I are always fighting. When we get up in the morning, we don’t kiss; we touch gloves  (Fighting Quotes) The key to a long and healthy marriage is that, honestly, there’s nothing worth fighting about  (Fighting Quotes) We are fighting for the right to live as free humans in this society. In fact, we are actually fighting for rights that are even greater than civil rights and that is human rights  (Fighting Quotes) Racism is a human problem and a crime that is absolutely so ghastly that a person who is fighting racism is well within his rights to fight against it by any means necessary until it is eliminated  (Fighting Quotes) Fighting the wounds of the past will only deepen those wounds. Relaxation is the method that heals the wounds of the mind, not reaction  (Fighting Quotes) One principle I’ve been fighting for that doesn’t endear me to a lot of people is that black people can be just as complicated and screwed up as white people. Our motives can be just as base and violent. Suffering does not necessarily ennoble you  (Fighting Quotes) When it is important for you to say something and you find a vehicle to say it, then go for it. It is so rare when that happens so I think every minute spent fighting for it is always worth it. Even if nothing ends up happening, it’s still worth the fight  (Fighting Quotes)
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