Fighting Quotes

Text Quotes
But courage wasn’t an absence of fear; it was fighting despite the knot in your stomach (Fighting Quotes)
One had better die fighting against injustice than die like a dog or a rat in a trap (Fighting Quotes)
To fight in another man’s armour is something more than to be influenced by his style of fighting (Fighting Quotes)
Proper school nutrition must be complemented by activities outside of the cafeteria. The decisions parents make to keep their kids healthy are critical in fighting this battle on the home front (Fighting Quotes)
I have been very fortunate as to escape through another day’s very severe fighting and escaped unhurt (Fighting Quotes)
When I grew up, I studied karate for years. I got pretty strong, but eventually I had to acknowledge that I really didn’t like fighting at all, so I quit (Fighting Quotes)
I’m fighting hard to make the world a better place, and you can, too. Get involved with your community, be a leader, set an example, be passionate, be your best (Fighting Quotes)
As a drummer, you’re always fighting for a level that you never quite attain (Fighting Quotes)
I’ve spent three hours hanging upside down while fighting off dinosaur attacks. That was a lot of fun (Fighting Quotes)
Ever since I arrived in Washington in April 2009, I have been fighting for more transparency and accountability in government (Fighting Quotes)
I spent 10 years fighting for reform in Cook County, and I didn’t change my DNA when I got to Washington (Fighting Quotes)
But since we’ve been fighting for first or second place, it’s grabbed the media’s attention. I enjoy racing them. They are a good team and when you beat them it’s something to be proud of (Fighting Quotes)
In the light of the actual fighting that is now in progress, we have reached the point where the military considerations clearly outweigh the fiscal considerations (Fighting Quotes)
Fighting battles is like courting girls: those who make the most pretensions and are boldest usually win (Fighting Quotes)
People seem to fight about things very unsuitable for fighting. They make a frightful noise in support of very quiet things. They knock each other about in the name of very fragile things (Fighting Quotes)
Voting is simply a way of determining which side is the stronger without putting it to the test of fighting (Fighting Quotes)
There’s no such thing as fighting on the winning side; one fights to find out which is the winning side (Fighting Quotes)
Policies that emanate from ivory towers often have an adverse impact on the people out in the field who are fighting the wars or bringing in the revenues (Fighting Quotes)
Pop is the most competitive form of music there is. You are always fighting to be adopted and accepted by the masses, and it’s always shifting (Fighting Quotes)
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete (Fighting Quotes)
The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins (Fighting Quotes)
But my whole life has been a matter of fighting for one simple hour to do what I want to do. There was always something getting in the way of my getting to myself (Fighting Quotes)
There is a corollary to the conception of being too proud to fight. It is that the humble have to do most of the fighting (Fighting Quotes)
Fighting through darkness and despair and pleading for the light is what opened this dispensation. It is what keeps it going, and it is what will keep you going (Fighting Quotes)
Robert was never the same after he put on that crown. Some men are like swords, made for fighting. Hang them up and they go to rust (Fighting Quotes)
I am aware that the battle I am fighting is a petty one, but I am also aware that in order to win that which is great, you must first win that which is small (Fighting Quotes)
Put no obstacle in her path and this will surely die a natural death; obstruct her, and it will give the situation an importance to worth fighting for (Fighting Quotes)
I’m not fighting for justice. I am not fighting for freedom. I am fighting for my life and another day in the world here (Fighting Quotes)
But in the end, fighting for a love that was already gone felt like trying to live in the ruins of a lost city (Fighting Quotes)
She simply stood there and waited for him to show her the next move. And hoped it only involved sword fighting and not seduction (Fighting Quotes)