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Fighting Quotes

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I wish we weren`t fighting all the time to protect women`s rights, to protect women`s health  (Fighting Quotes) Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign are standing up and fighting the important fights that have to be fought  (Fighting Quotes) I wanted to go amongst gangbangers, to understand this war they were fighting amongst each other. I wanted to document it, [also] to show the human side of it  (Fighting Quotes) The Gulf states are happy for us to fight and die. That’s good for everybody, but the Americans fighting and dying  (Fighting Quotes) Stop fighting. Everyone’s a person too. And take care of the Earth, please  (Fighting Quotes) I handle emotional pain by trying to understand that it’s going to be painful and to allow for it instead of fighting it. Doesn’t make it any easier, though  (Fighting Quotes) For me, my favorite scenes, when I’m in my comfort zone, are the fighting scenes Those are my favorite to do, so I’d love to have more of those  (Fighting Quotes) I think we need to be fighting for the working men and women of this country, not the moneyed New York interests  (Fighting Quotes) Because you’re a woman, the music industry puts you in another corner. I want to be fighting with the men. I want to be amongst the men, topless, throwing things onstage. Pitchfork: Whe  (Fighting Quotes) If you’re fighting to limit other women’s rights, then you can’t really call yourself a feminist  (Fighting Quotes) If you’re fighting against a minimum wage increase, you’re fighting an uphill battle, because most Americans, even most Republicans, are okay with raising the minimum wage  (Fighting Quotes) Nobody else will ever be able to save me if I’m not fighting as hard as I can to save myself  (Fighting Quotes) I want to keep fighting because it’s the only thing that keeps me out of the hamburger joints. If I don’t fight, I’ll eat this planet  (Fighting Quotes) I think success is being exactly who God called us to be and fighting to your death to live that out  (Fighting Quotes) Sometimes, obstacles are put into our lives to see if what we want is really worth fighting for  (Fighting Quotes) I have had to change the game to one that is a match of wits rather than brawn to give myself a fighting chance  (Fighting Quotes) Things happen, and what’s done is done. We leave what’s not worth fighting for behind and we move on with our lives  (Fighting Quotes) There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away from these people. The battle they’re are fighting isn’t with you, it’s with themselves  (Fighting Quotes) Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if I am the only one fighting  (Fighting Quotes) At times you think you should give up, but if it’s worth fighting for then fight for what’s right  (Fighting Quotes) When you’re in there fighting, there’s an energy and there’s a focus that is nearly unbreakable  (Fighting Quotes) Everyone is fighting their own battle to be free from their past, to live in the present, and create a meaningful future for themselves. Don’t judge, have a heart  (Fighting Quotes) Love is worth fighting for but you can’t be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If they don’t, let them go  (Fighting Quotes) It’s a tough world out there and all the guys are fighting hard and the competition is really tough  (Fighting Quotes) I’m tired of fighting, I want to be fought for. I’m tired of caring, I want to be cared for. I’m tired of being just me, I wanna be yours  (Fighting Quotes) That pain you feel: that’s life. The confusion and fear: that’s there to remind you that there is something better and worth fighting for  (Fighting Quotes) Concerning football playing, I protest to you it may rather be called a friendly kind of fighting, rather than recreation  (Fighting Quotes) Love is always worth fighting for. Unless you are the only one fighting for it. You’ll never win fighting alone  (Fighting Quotes) Fighting is art and there is nothing more beautiful than the painted canvas of just totally kicking someone’s ass  (Fighting Quotes) Not many people do at the age of 21 or younger even, know how to act nor could be concerned with anything other than fighting, women and money  (Fighting Quotes)
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