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As all historians know, the past is a great darkness, and filled with echoes. Voices may reach us from it; but what they say to us is imbued with the obscurity of the matrix out of which they come; and, try as we may, we cannot always decipher them precisely in the clearer light of our own day  (Filled Quotes) When oil and gas prices went up dramatically and filled up the state treasury, I sent a large share of that revenue back where it belonged - directly to the people of Alaska  (Filled Quotes) Three little maids from school are we, pert as a school-girl well can be, filled to the brim with girlish glee  (Filled Quotes) I have to tell them that last night was a shameful train wreck filled with blind cuddly puppies  (Filled Quotes) Imagine a limitless expanse of water: above and below, before and behind, right and left, everywhere there is water. In that water is placed a jar filled with water. There is water inside the jar and water outside, but the jar is still there. The I is the jar  (Filled Quotes) I have a notebook that is filled to the brim with my dreams and ideas and goals and aspirations  (Filled Quotes) Oh her deathbed, when her hands could no longer weave or paint or mold clay, she'd told stories and filled them with the colors she loved  (Filled Quotes) He's made a mistake in coming here tonight. He'd wanted to see a room filled with ruffly knickknacks and lacy gewgaws. A room like any other, to indicate that she was a woman like any other  (Filled Quotes) She imagined herself as some sort of vessel to be filled up with love. But it wasn't like that. The love was within her all the time, and its only renewal came from giving it away  (Filled Quotes) He was a kind and thankful toad, whose heart dilated in proportion as his skin was filled with good cheer; and whose spirits rose with eating, as some men's do with drink  (Filled Quotes) His days were full and they were filled decently, he supposed it was all a man ought to ask. Something he knew he had missed: the flower of life  (Filled Quotes) ... he arrived late at the office, perceived that his doing so made no difference whatever to any one, and was filled with sudden exasperation at the elaborate futility of his life  (Filled Quotes) The things that had filled his days seemed now like a nursery parody of life, or like the wrangles of medieval schoolmen over metaphysical terms that nobody had ever understood  (Filled Quotes) Like a great bog humanity swamped her, and she sank in, weak at the knees, filled with repulsion and fear of every person she met  (Filled Quotes) Maybe this was why people filled their house with stinking cats, so they didn't notice that they were alone, so they wouldn't die without a living soul noticing  (Filled Quotes) Happiness was useless to me. It was heartache that filled my purse. What happy man has need of Shakespeare?  (Filled Quotes) Jesus goes on before to Jerusalem and to the cross, and they are filled with fear and amazement at the road he calls them to follow  (Filled Quotes) Being filled with the Spirit is simply this - having my whole nature yielded to His power. When the whole soul is yielded to the Holy Spirit, God Himself will fill it  (Filled Quotes) I should have known the power hungry slave drivers at River's Edge would see my five days of freedom only as a challenge to be filled  (Filled Quotes) I was operating on the unspoken assumption that my inner world would be filled with life, peace, and joy once my external world was perfect  (Filled Quotes) Do not wait for the healing to arrive. It will never come. The holes will never leave or be filled with anything at all. But holes are interesting things  (Filled Quotes) So we can be filled with holes and loss and wide expanses of unhealed geography - and we can also be excited by life and in love and content at the exact same moment  (Filled Quotes) Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained  (Filled Quotes) My darkness has been filled with the light of intelligence, and behold, the outer day - lit world was stumbling and groping in social blindness  (Filled Quotes) All the tales of miracles, with which the Old and New Testament are filled, are fit only for impostors to preach and fools to believe  (Filled Quotes) It astounds us to come upon other egoists, as though we alone had the right to be selfish, and be filled with eagerness to live  (Filled Quotes) I regularly read Internet user groups filled with messages from people trying to solve software incompatibility problems that, in terms of complexity, make the U. S. Tax Code look like Dr. Seuss  (Filled Quotes) Maybe taming my tongue will be good for me in the end. But it's pretty hard when you've got a world filled with idiots from Drunkopolis  (Filled Quotes) Nothing of heaven or earth Can take this heart Filled with love Nothing of heaven or earth Can divide us From cosmic energy  (Filled Quotes) Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page  (Filled Quotes)
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