Final Quotes

Text Quotes
Think as you work, for in the final analysis, your worth to your company comes not only in solving problems, but also in anticipating them (Final Quotes)
Just as the water of a river near its mouth, in its final form, is composed largely of many tributaries, so an idea, in its final form, is composed largely of later additions (Final Quotes)
Round and round he walked, and so learned a very valuable thing: that no emotion is the final one (Final Quotes)
In studying history we are finding out about ourselves, and in the last resort the natural sciences and even mathematics have the same final end (Final Quotes)
The choice of moves should not be made on an exact verdict of the final position, but on whether or not your position has improved or worsened (Final Quotes)
In order to join vigorously in the moral work of the world I must believe that somehow the best I can accomplish will endure, will leave its trace on things, will aid the final consummation (Final Quotes)
That by 1774 the final crisis of the constitution, brought on by political and social corruption, had been reached was, to most informed colonists, evident; (Final Quotes)
We can have the final word on hate, neglect, disease and all the other insidious characters that still script their way into our stories... For now, but not forever (Final Quotes)
I don’t know where to begin with that one... the final episode is… appalling (Final Quotes)
He wasn’t afraid of dying, only of having not done all he could, and not properly spitting in the eye of death when it came for him. That final gesture was important (Final Quotes)
So what do you believe in? Nothing fixed or final, all the while I travel a miracle. I doubt, and yet I walk upon the water (Final Quotes)
Before taking final leave of me, my instructor inquired concerning my physical strength, and I was able to inform him that I hadn’t any (Final Quotes)
The final test of a theory is its capacity to solve the problems which originated it (Final Quotes)
We are always living in the final days. What have you got? A hundred years or much, much less until the end of your world (Final Quotes)
I have always felt, he said, that violence was the last refuge of the incompetent, and empty threats the final sanctuary of the terminally inept (Final Quotes)
The book to end all books. The final book. After this, there is no more writing, no more publishing (Final Quotes)
Imperialism has been defeated in many partial battles. But it remains a considerable force in the world, and we cannot expect its final defeat save through effort and sacrifice on the part of us all (Final Quotes)
If my final hour finds me under other skies, my last thought will be of this people and especially of you (Final Quotes)
It is possible that this may be the end. I don’t seek it, but it’s within the logical realms of probabilities. If it should be so, I send you a final embrace (Final Quotes)
In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive (Final Quotes)
What’s wrong with this world is, it’s not finished yet. It is not competed to the point where man can put his final signature to the job and say, it is finished. We made it and it works (Final Quotes)
In the last stages of a final illness, we need only the absence of pain and the presence of family (Final Quotes)
Count no mortal happy till he has passed the final limit of his life secure from pain (Final Quotes)
I am full of the sorrow that goes with changes in surroundings, those successive stages of annihilation that slowly lead to the great and final void (Final Quotes)
As the final step, pollsters tell us how the public reacted to it, which becomes the agreed version whether the event itself was a flop or a success (Final Quotes)
Nothing from man’s hands, no law, nor constitution, can be final. Truth alone is final (Final Quotes)
He maintained that the case was lost or won by the time the final juror had been sworn in; his summation was set in his mind before the first witness was called (Final Quotes)
The day that witnesses the conversion of our ministers into political and philosophical speculators or scientific lecturers, will witness the final decay of clerical weight and influence (Final Quotes)
Yet the success of plans and the advantage to be derived from them do not at all times agree, seeing the gods claim to themselves the right to decide as to the final result (Final Quotes)
At the first stages of negotiations, we will not release prisoners with blood on their hands. However, as part of a final agreement, I do not rule out this option. Offering hope for a better future is more important than grieving the past (Final Quotes)