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We find ourselves only by looking to what we’re not  (Find Quotes) Why... do you find this... distracting?  (Find Quotes) Find light in the beautiful sea. I choose to be happy  (Find Quotes) Only those who find life, find treasures  (Find Quotes) I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have  (Find Quotes) There is a better way for everything. Find it  (Find Quotes) Then get busy and find out how to do it  (Find Quotes) It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online  (Find Quotes) Love is where you find it  (Find Quotes) Find me a reasonable lover against his weight in gold  (Find Quotes) To find perfect composure in the midst of change is to find nirvana  (Find Quotes) If you find something you really love, you will never work again  (Find Quotes) In everything, it is no easy task to find the middle  (Find Quotes) Where do I find the time for not reading so many books?  (Find Quotes) I better find your loving, I better find your heart  (Find Quotes) Until you find yourself, it’s impossible to lose you  (Find Quotes) It is my deepest belief that only by giving our lives do we find life  (Find Quotes) Only through suffering can we find ourselves  (Find Quotes) Find joy and peace in this very moment  (Find Quotes) Nothing is so bitter that a calm mind cannot find comfort in it  (Find Quotes) If you can find humour in anything, you can survive it  (Find Quotes) Before you reject an idea, find at least five good things about it  (Find Quotes) A reasonable man needs only to practice moderation to find happiness  (Find Quotes) Find joy in the ordinary  (Find Quotes) Man can find meaning in life only through devoting himself to society  (Find Quotes) I don’t find clothes sexy at all. I find people sexy  (Find Quotes) I find as I grow older that I love those most whom I loved first  (Find Quotes) In diversity we find our strongest bonds and most violent divides  (Find Quotes) You gotta find a way to survive cause they win when your soul dies  (Find Quotes) Stay a little and news will find you  (Find Quotes)
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