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Well, I don’t find glamour and clothing relevant  (Find Quotes) I have given up reading books; I find it takes my mind off myself  (Find Quotes) It was despairing to find out that I am mortal  (Find Quotes) Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words?  (Find Quotes) Confidence cannot find a place wherein to rest in safety  (Find Quotes) If one swain scorns you, you will soon find another  (Find Quotes) I write books to find out about things  (Find Quotes) I did find my direction at an early age  (Find Quotes) I think families find a dynamic that works for them  (Find Quotes) Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days  (Find Quotes) Daddy, I may find my prince but you will always be my king  (Find Quotes) All existing business models are wrong. Find a new one  (Find Quotes) Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working  (Find Quotes) Lost dreams may help you find new dreams  (Find Quotes) In my friend, I find a second self  (Find Quotes) Diplomacy: The art of saying nice doggie until you can find a rock  (Find Quotes) Fear is a slinking cat I find beneath the lilacs of my mind  (Find Quotes) A lot of people go to find themselves  (Find Quotes) What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out  (Find Quotes) Trying to find a peaceful song  (Find Quotes) You are not going to find yourself anywhere except right where you are  (Find Quotes) If you come here, you will find a hidden treasure  (Find Quotes) Wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure  (Find Quotes) I find out what the world needs. Then, I go ahead and invent it  (Find Quotes) Organised religion is something I find hard to follow  (Find Quotes) I find people only listen to you when they ask you to talk to them  (Find Quotes) I find you want me to furnish you with argument and intellects too  (Find Quotes) To find beauty in ugliness is the province of the poet  (Find Quotes) Some difficulties meet, full many. I find them not, nor seek for any  (Find Quotes) The spiritual life must find its origin in silence  (Find Quotes)
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