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If you really want to hurt, find someone who loves you  (Find Quotes) If you want to change the world, find someone to help you paddle  (Find Quotes) Find your passion, and it’s no longer work  (Find Quotes) It is worth dying to find out what life is  (Find Quotes) If you pursue happiness you never find it  (Find Quotes) Some people find oil. Others don’t  (Find Quotes) I would rather create a precedent than find one  (Find Quotes) Work hard to find something that fascinates you  (Find Quotes) All the happiness you ever find lies in you  (Find Quotes) Your field of focus determines what you find in life  (Find Quotes) When things are at their worst, I find something always happens  (Find Quotes) We read books to find out who we are  (Find Quotes) Find your life perfect and deal with what emerges  (Find Quotes) You can’t find returns in investments you haven’t made  (Find Quotes) People find a way in which they can say something  (Find Quotes) Sin and the devil will always find helpers in our hearts  (Find Quotes) A good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you make  (Find Quotes) Find your passion... then it is no longer work!  (Find Quotes) We find what we are looking for  (Find Quotes) Be original and find your inner voice. The rest will follow  (Find Quotes) A noble heart is a window to find an open mind  (Find Quotes) Find the thing that stirs your heart and make room for it  (Find Quotes) Children go where they find sincerity and authenticity  (Find Quotes) Just start dancing and the band will find you  (Find Quotes) I find it very eerie when somebody is being really polite  (Find Quotes) Bosom upon my counsel; You’ll find it wholesome  (Find Quotes) It’s a mystery why certain people find certain things funny  (Find Quotes) One thing about a police state, you can always find the police  (Find Quotes) In order for us to reach success, we must first find, the ladder  (Find Quotes) Fame and fortune are as hard to find as a lightning strike  (Find Quotes)
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