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Without content, we shall find it almost as difficult to please others as ourselves  (Find Quotes) I find that the most interestingly written parts happen to be the bad guys  (Find Quotes) I lose and find myself in the long water. I am gathered together once more  (Find Quotes) He gives me the hairy eyeball, and asks me to help him find his pancreas  (Find Quotes) Instruments of coercion, once created, have a tendency to find their own natural masters  (Find Quotes) But I will find new habits, new thoughts, new rules. I will become something else  (Find Quotes) Their manners are more gentle, kind, than of our generation you shall find  (Find Quotes) If I find the constitution being misused, I shall be the first to burn it  (Find Quotes) Go out looking for one thing, and that’s all you’ll ever find  (Find Quotes) Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone somewhere who’ll have you  (Find Quotes) Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others  (Find Quotes) You can find religions without creationism, but you never find creationism without religion  (Find Quotes) But certainly not everyday you can find someone who wants to have a monogamous relationship  (Find Quotes) Take your inspiration from wherever you find it, no matter how ridiculous  (Find Quotes) They climbed the ladder of learning only to find it leaning against the wrong wall  (Find Quotes) God is the larger context and plot in which our stories find themselves  (Find Quotes) I think we need to find more reasons to unify rather than divide each other  (Find Quotes) What does not satisfy when we find it, was not the thing we were desiring  (Find Quotes) We’ll find them. It’ll be a matter of time to do so  (Find Quotes) Does a being who requires meaning find meaning in a universe that has no meaning?  (Find Quotes) Man can only find meaning for his existence in something outside himself  (Find Quotes) The more you find out about the world economy, the less you may truly know  (Find Quotes) I like to act. Every other aspect of show business I find uninteresting  (Find Quotes) In the temple we can find peace. The blessings of the temple are priceless  (Find Quotes) Though I have looked everywhere / I can find nothing lowly / in the universe  (Find Quotes) Before one blames, one should always find out whether one cannot excuse  (Find Quotes) How we ask the question is extremely important to how we find the answer  (Find Quotes) Find a need and fill it. Successful businesses are founded on the needs of people  (Find Quotes) At the heart of any terror is the fear of losing what we find meaningful  (Find Quotes) The individual couldn’t find any attention in Italy  (Find Quotes)
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