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My limits are limitless. I find my limits every time I act  (Find Quotes) I’m still a kid inside, and adventure is adventure wherever you find it  (Find Quotes) People who want alternative information have to try so hard to find it  (Find Quotes) My problem is how to find the best way of being useful  (Find Quotes) Find people who share your values, and you’ll conquer the world together  (Find Quotes) The great teams find a way to win  (Find Quotes) The only solutions that are ever worth anything are the solutions that people find themselves  (Find Quotes) I find love from time to time  (Find Quotes) I find that the older you get, the more helpful eyeliner is  (Find Quotes) I find young kids. I enjoy coaching and enjoy making them better players  (Find Quotes) You’ll find that empty vessels make the most sound  (Find Quotes) I had to examine myself very thoroughly to find the right path personally  (Find Quotes) We must find out where the roots of terrorism lie  (Find Quotes) The danger sensation is exciting. The challenge is to find new dangers  (Find Quotes) I find most men don’t like a lot of makeup  (Find Quotes) I hate going to fashion shows. I find them boring  (Find Quotes) I find directing more satisfying  (Find Quotes) Writing for the theater, you find yourself living a nocturnal life  (Find Quotes) Malice can always find a mark to shoot at, and a pretence to fire  (Find Quotes) I find the light and work it, work it, work it  (Find Quotes) No one will find me to have knowingly committed fraud  (Find Quotes) You can find a diamond in the rough a lot of times  (Find Quotes) I’ve been doing some writing, which I find very cathartic and fun  (Find Quotes) I find there aren’t that many options as an actor  (Find Quotes) Words can be very powerful. I find them very difficult  (Find Quotes) It’s the playoffs. You find a way to get through  (Find Quotes) I think skating helped me find myself  (Find Quotes) I find the medicine worse than the malady  (Find Quotes) In whatever position you find yourself, determine first your objective  (Find Quotes) I find nothing more depressing than optimism  (Find Quotes)
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