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In general, I find that for videos the acting is more realistic  (Find Quotes) I knew that I had to find my own voice, both figuratively and literally  (Find Quotes) The dirty truth is that many people find fascism to be not particularly horrible  (Find Quotes) I find the world and all it contains extremely fascinating. Is this sinful?  (Find Quotes) I have been out again on the river, rowing. I find nothing new  (Find Quotes) I’d find it demeaning to be cleaning toilets  (Find Quotes) I have to find work wherever it might be hiding  (Find Quotes) I find you get out of people what you put into them  (Find Quotes) I always try to find something I admire about every character I play  (Find Quotes) You leap over the wall of one ghetto and find yourself in another ghetto  (Find Quotes) You can always find a distraction if you’re looking for one  (Find Quotes) Look for joy in your life; it’s not always easy to find  (Find Quotes) Circumstances can be very important. Find the right people to work with  (Find Quotes) Treat everyone the same until you find out they’re an idiot  (Find Quotes) You can work, shop, do everything from home, and I find this unsettling  (Find Quotes) Yes, fractals are what I want to find in my music  (Find Quotes) It takes 10 million failures to find the right stuff  (Find Quotes) How would you like to find out how good my right is?  (Find Quotes) I find it a great antidote lipstick and mirrors and hairspray  (Find Quotes) Every writer has to find their own way into writing  (Find Quotes) If you scratch a great photograph, you find two things; a painting and a photograph  (Find Quotes) I find it very difficult to compose when I’m not playing  (Find Quotes) You can always find the sun within yourself if you will only search  (Find Quotes) Find fault with thyself rather than with others  (Find Quotes) I find the idea of today’s icons being teenagers incredibly uninspiring  (Find Quotes) I go through a thousand songs to find ten for a new record  (Find Quotes) If you can find something everyone agrees on, it’s wrong  (Find Quotes) It’s sometimes shocking to find out what people really believe in  (Find Quotes) It is extremely important to know what you don’t want to find  (Find Quotes) It was progressively more difficult to find work in the theatre, as well  (Find Quotes)
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