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I tell my students to try early in life to find an unattainable objective  (Find Quotes) Let an audience be able to find it themselves without spoonfeeding it  (Find Quotes) We wrote what sounded good to us and hoped it would find a home  (Find Quotes) In any field, find the strangest thing and then explore it  (Find Quotes) Now that I have conquered social anxiety disorder, I find pleasure in fans approaching me  (Find Quotes) We shall not find life by refusing to let go of our precious, protected selves  (Find Quotes) Genre labels are useful only insofar as they help you find an audience  (Find Quotes) I now have to find a reason to write, every single day  (Find Quotes) Acquire inner peace and a multitude will find their salvation near you  (Find Quotes) Dive into the sea of thought, and find there pearls beyond price  (Find Quotes) Only by seeking challenges can we hope to find the best in ourselves  (Find Quotes) You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references, sir  (Find Quotes) We are made to persist. that’s how we find out who we are  (Find Quotes) Find a need and fill it  (Find Quotes) I find I always have to write something on a steamed mirror  (Find Quotes) You never know what your next dig is going to find  (Find Quotes) A political theory seeks to find from history the limits of the politically possible  (Find Quotes) To find people who don’t want anything is rare  (Find Quotes) Because of the incredible reputation I have, people find me exciting to watch on film  (Find Quotes) The best place to find things: the public library  (Find Quotes) When you learn to listen to your gutt, your find all the answers  (Find Quotes) I read a book not to find its meaning, but to find my happiness  (Find Quotes) Find the ideal in something not ideal  (Find Quotes) Women find little pleasure in the society of women  (Find Quotes) I will either find a way, or make one  (Find Quotes) Find optimism in the inevitable  (Find Quotes) I’m so lost. Will I ever find myself?  (Find Quotes) For a ballad’s a thing you expect to find lies in  (Find Quotes) When people freely identify with their work and find themselves through it, excellence follows  (Find Quotes) Find peace in the morning rush and you will have a good day  (Find Quotes)
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