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Good scripts and interesting stories are hard enough to find  (Find Quotes) I find fear is a great motivator to work hard  (Find Quotes) Everybody needs a chance to find love  (Find Quotes) I do find walking is fundamental to my creative process  (Find Quotes) I like singing all songs, really, but I find that writing social commentary comes naturally  (Find Quotes) Olympic athletes have to find a job right after they’re done competing  (Find Quotes) To anyone who is homeless, I say, find a home  (Find Quotes) I find it hard to focus looking forward. So I look backward  (Find Quotes) I find nice people kind of boring  (Find Quotes) Generally, I find a lot to be grateful for  (Find Quotes) Even with my wife, I find sharing soup is hard  (Find Quotes) I find fame to be quite unnatural. Humans are not built for extreme adoration  (Find Quotes) It is with unwelcome frequency that I find myself the deciding vote  (Find Quotes) I just love to impersonate people, and I impersonate people because I find them fascinating  (Find Quotes) What is terrible when you seek the truth is that you find it  (Find Quotes) I find myself only by losing myself  (Find Quotes) I write to find out what I’m talking about  (Find Quotes) My bursting heart must find vent at my pen  (Find Quotes) If the facts don’t fit your theory, just find some new facts  (Find Quotes) You cannot find happiness, outside the plan of happiness!  (Find Quotes) I find it easy to admire in trees what depresses me in people  (Find Quotes) The thing all writers do best is find ways to avoid writing  (Find Quotes) If that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find without  (Find Quotes) I find the humor in life, and laugh easily  (Find Quotes) I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there  (Find Quotes) He who cannot howl will not find his pack  (Find Quotes) There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth  (Find Quotes) Find a place you trust and then try trusting it for a while  (Find Quotes) You only find yourself when you disobey. Disobedience is the beginning of responsibility, I think  (Find Quotes) Selling my soul would be a lot easier if I could just find it  (Find Quotes)
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