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Sometimes when you push someone, you find out who that person really is  (Find Quotes) If you lose all hope, you can always find it again  (Find Quotes) No need, no, need. Life is already too short to find it  (Find Quotes) It’s a very bad habit, but one I find hard to break  (Find Quotes) If we don’t go forward, we won’t find anything  (Find Quotes) It is when we are most lost that we sometimes find our truest friends  (Find Quotes) He cried when I left, which I find to be standard male behavior  (Find Quotes) Farewell until eternity, where you and I shall not find ourselves together  (Find Quotes) Don’t you find any irony in a vampire sucking up?  (Find Quotes) Life is too uncertain... You must seize happiness where you find it  (Find Quotes) He’d do what he always did, find the sweet among the bitter  (Find Quotes) Everybody’s crooked. The trick is to find out how they’re bent  (Find Quotes) Remember well, and bear in mind, a constant friend is hard to find  (Find Quotes) Practice the precept: find without seeking  (Find Quotes) Everything that anyone would ever look for is usually where they find it  (Find Quotes) People find a way through just about anything  (Find Quotes) I deserved to find pleasure that surpassed my imagination, better than any I had experienced  (Find Quotes) The way to find a needle in a haystack is to sit down  (Find Quotes) Reality depresses me. I need to find fantasy worlds and escape in them  (Find Quotes) I generally find subtlety a waste of time  (Find Quotes) Write the book you want to read, the one you cannot find  (Find Quotes) You will find no answers here, just choices  (Find Quotes) Perhaps if I make myself write I shall find out what is wrong with me  (Find Quotes) The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind  (Find Quotes) Movement in new direction helps find new cheese  (Find Quotes) The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese  (Find Quotes) I think you’ll find it’s a bit more complicated than that  (Find Quotes) You speak your mind, don’t you...? A rare find in a woman  (Find Quotes) When I lose my temper, honey, you can’t find it any place  (Find Quotes) ... things I had come to find humor in would make your honest man swoon  (Find Quotes)
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