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No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today  (Find Quotes) Oh! death will find me long before I tire of watching you  (Find Quotes) I will find a way out or make one  (Find Quotes) Trying to find a heart that’s not walking away  (Find Quotes) Learn the way and find your own way  (Find Quotes) Find something you’re passionate about and you know, do something  (Find Quotes) Sometimes you find your destiny on the road you took to avoid it  (Find Quotes) Find your mark, look the other fellow in the eye, and tell the truth  (Find Quotes) We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about  (Find Quotes) I don’t find glamour and clothing relevant  (Find Quotes) We can always find each other, we girls with secrets  (Find Quotes) We’ll never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it  (Find Quotes) There’s something about pleasure I find annoying  (Find Quotes) I’m not good with limitations. I tend to like to find my own  (Find Quotes) I find having your own car is like a passport to the world  (Find Quotes) I find acting slightly nerve racking, but I like the challenge  (Find Quotes) You don’t have to find out you’re dying to start living  (Find Quotes) We often find comfort in telling what is painful in actual experience  (Find Quotes) I find it dull when my heart meets my mind  (Find Quotes) My moral compass is so broken I can barely find the parking lot  (Find Quotes) I don’t want pictures, I want to find things out  (Find Quotes) Poets find truth by writing about what they love  (Find Quotes) We shall find that every effort to realize equality necessitates a sacrifice of liberty  (Find Quotes) Most women find a man with good manners sexy  (Find Quotes) I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed  (Find Quotes) I find cutting myself attractive... I find it sexual  (Find Quotes) Find a happy person, and you will find a project  (Find Quotes) Somewhere on this planet is your best friend. Find that person  (Find Quotes) Ignorance may find a truth on its doorstep that erudition vainly seeks in the stars  (Find Quotes) When you experience resistance, you find the lessons that you are meant to learn  (Find Quotes)
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