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Pass the bill to find out what’s in it  (Find Quotes) Find your confidence, lead with love... the rest will follow  (Find Quotes) Find one correct answer and let the rest disappear  (Find Quotes) I usually find that the process of discovery is more interesting than the answers  (Find Quotes) Once you find the right idea, then go ahead and embellish it  (Find Quotes) To find the right plan is just as hard as looking for its sound justification  (Find Quotes) Wake up curious, and determined to find an answer  (Find Quotes) I tried body surfing once, but how often do you find a corpse?  (Find Quotes) Don’t chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you  (Find Quotes) The dance is not where we lose ourselves. But where we find ourselves  (Find Quotes) It is those who get lost, who find the new ways  (Find Quotes) I find myself looking around for other new, interesting opportunities to dive into  (Find Quotes) Once I find something I’m passionate about, I get this crazy drive  (Find Quotes) Good friends are hard to find so when you find one, hold on tight!  (Find Quotes) Knowing you are one with all, you find yourself in love with all  (Find Quotes) To find health should be the object of the doctor. Any one can find disease  (Find Quotes) I’m trying to find my own version of what makes me feel beautiful  (Find Quotes) I do not believe that loyalty should demand defending behavior that I find abhorrent  (Find Quotes) There is a spiritual realm that is available to all who find its many entrances  (Find Quotes) Do not find peace. Find passion  (Find Quotes) Wherever you find something extraordinary, you’ll find the fingerprints of a great teacher  (Find Quotes) When you find your why, you find a way to make it happen  (Find Quotes) You find out what’s in you when it comes out  (Find Quotes) Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world  (Find Quotes) Look hard enough and you will always find a light  (Find Quotes) If you find a path with no obstacles, it likely leads nowhere  (Find Quotes) If we don’t get lost, we’ll never find a new route  (Find Quotes) Find things that shine and move toward them  (Find Quotes) Do not destroy anybody’s peace. You will find peace  (Find Quotes) Find something in your life worth fighting for  (Find Quotes)
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