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I find folding laundry very relaxing  (Find Quotes) We will find a way or we shall make one  (Find Quotes) You push the limits and you find out where the limits are  (Find Quotes) Life is fun if you just find out how  (Find Quotes) Make up stories until you find one you can live with  (Find Quotes) Sometimes on the way to your dream, you get lost and find a better one  (Find Quotes) Everybody talks about finding your voice. Do your homework and your voice will find you  (Find Quotes) Go ahead, push your luck, find out how much love the world can hold  (Find Quotes) Find a great mentor who believes in you, your life will change forever!  (Find Quotes) Find the right questions. You don’t invent the answers, you reveal the answers  (Find Quotes) You have to lose yourself to find yourself  (Find Quotes) I find the world more absurd now than I did when I was a kid  (Find Quotes) The ideal man doesn’t exist. A husband is easier to find  (Find Quotes) Anybody who has interacted with me will definitely find me to be a chirpy person  (Find Quotes) I used to find that I could get mental serenity surrounded by chaos  (Find Quotes) You’ve got to find a way of saying it without saying it  (Find Quotes) If it doesn’t make sense, you should find for the defense  (Find Quotes) You can’t find peace by avoiding life  (Find Quotes) Motion is the context of living. We find meaning my and in our doing  (Find Quotes) Find something you’re passionate about and just love. Passion is really gender neutralizing  (Find Quotes) Where then shall hope and fear their objects find?  (Find Quotes) Worries find you easily enough without inviting them  (Find Quotes) From ancient to modern times, the human animal knows how to find fighting  (Find Quotes) Find inner peace? I looked; it wasn’t there  (Find Quotes) I don’t find life unbearably grave. I find it almost intolerably frivolous  (Find Quotes) My aim is to motivate a human being, to find the champion within  (Find Quotes) I do find it a bit disconcerting when your name becomes a brand  (Find Quotes) Women, healed and whole, will find undreamed resources in themselves  (Find Quotes) The hardest thing about finding forgiveness is that you had to find it at all  (Find Quotes) I remembered my question! Did you find a partner?  (Find Quotes)
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