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I find that stability is good for my creativity  (Find Quotes) I just really respond to comics. I find it a really exciting medium  (Find Quotes) After 20 years of doing comedy, I find dramatic work more challenging  (Find Quotes) Fathers can find great inspiration in faith  (Find Quotes) I find it unbearable to need a body in order to exist  (Find Quotes) Justice is the one thing you should always find  (Find Quotes) The older I get, the more interesting I find lawyers and accountants  (Find Quotes) Expand the mind, seek and you shall find  (Find Quotes) Give out some love and you’ll find peace sublime  (Find Quotes) Your heroes will help you find good in yourself  (Find Quotes) I almost find it very attractive when a woman has no idea who I am  (Find Quotes) The perfect rescue dog is out there for everybody. You just have to find it  (Find Quotes) When I write I find a quiet place  (Find Quotes) People will always try to find themselves and their place in the world  (Find Quotes) I love a good play, but they’re too hard to find  (Find Quotes) When I find a look that I like, that’s my entire wardrobe  (Find Quotes) I go to great pains to find the best yogurt and granola  (Find Quotes) Military investigations are designed not to find anyone guilty  (Find Quotes) I find doing speeches nerve wrecking  (Find Quotes) Jump up, look around, find yourself some fun. No sense in sitting there hating everyone  (Find Quotes) I would find myself getting deeply distressed if I lived in hindsight all the time  (Find Quotes) I like ideas. I find them more exciting than human behavior for the most part  (Find Quotes) Firearms manufacturers usually find themselves playing defense  (Find Quotes) Don’t you find that work, if you love it, is actually really invigorating?  (Find Quotes) I think that it is always hard to find two voices that fit together well  (Find Quotes) It is important to find worth in yourself  (Find Quotes) You’ve got to find people who love like you do  (Find Quotes) I find it tricky to make plans  (Find Quotes) These days, unplugged places are getting hard to find  (Find Quotes) I guess I find the boundaries between poetry and prose to be somewhat permeable  (Find Quotes)
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