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Hope for the best, survive the worst, find humor wherever you can  (Find Quotes) The gift of my childhood was laughter, being able to find the humor  (Find Quotes) Ignite your passion and find your calling  (Find Quotes) The very freedom and expressiveness we find missing in life we find present in art  (Find Quotes) Something in me wanted to find out how far I could run without stopping  (Find Quotes) Be willing to move forward and find out what happens next  (Find Quotes) Find out what the customer wants and then make it better  (Find Quotes) Married women are kept women, and theyare beginning to find it out  (Find Quotes) The only place where you can find equality is in the cemetery  (Find Quotes) You will find it easiest to ride the avalanche in the direction it already travels  (Find Quotes) My method is to find a word with a gesture  (Find Quotes) Writing is the clumsy attempt to find symbols for wordlessness  (Find Quotes) A good message will always find a messenger  (Find Quotes) When to mischief mortals bend their will, how soon they find it instruments of ill  (Find Quotes) Collect stimulus, draw them. Focus, find out as much as you can. Stimulate yourself  (Find Quotes) I find our society a bit noisy. I would like to contribute a little silence  (Find Quotes) I find no abhorring in my appetite  (Find Quotes) We must row in whatever boat we find ourselves in  (Find Quotes) The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny  (Find Quotes) Harm seek, harm find  (Find Quotes) You find out so many interesting things when you’re not on drugs  (Find Quotes) It’s funny where we look for salvation, and where we actually find it  (Find Quotes) You have to step over the boundaries sometimes just to find out where theyare  (Find Quotes) Hard work puts you where good luck can find you  (Find Quotes) Talent will not always find its way but commitment will  (Find Quotes) I guess I like to find the rhythm in things  (Find Quotes) My only strength is finding something where most people would find nothing  (Find Quotes) I think if you find your passion and you go with it you are rewarded  (Find Quotes) The problems for which I could find no solution in fact had no solution  (Find Quotes) May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time  (Find Quotes)
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