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I find when death comes, it is usually a woman that is called for  (Find Quotes) Find your own voice and use it, / use your own voice and find it  (Find Quotes) I just want to find somebody special, somebody that I click with  (Find Quotes) I think we need to find somebody that can meet that standard  (Find Quotes) You find a way to work with people you have more in common with  (Find Quotes) Stop trying to find something in food that will make you feel better  (Find Quotes) Even angels must find their wings too heavy sometimes  (Find Quotes) Trying to find a buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space  (Find Quotes) One must find one’s natural home, not try to construct it  (Find Quotes) They hit you with a knife, you find a gun  (Find Quotes) The only constant I can find is hard work  (Find Quotes) You have to find out how to become the character  (Find Quotes) I’m starting to find my own style  (Find Quotes) I find day after day of sunshine boring  (Find Quotes) I find it really hard to even read another script while shooting  (Find Quotes) I find it weird that people want to know about you  (Find Quotes) The acting world is a humbling experience, I find  (Find Quotes) The arrow will not always find the mark intended  (Find Quotes) You’ll never find me in a gym  (Find Quotes) Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it  (Find Quotes) I find looking forward scary because you might die  (Find Quotes) Love is hard to find, but love is one of a kind  (Find Quotes) It’s probably healthier to find fame later in life  (Find Quotes) I will not reach my full potential as a man unless I find my partner  (Find Quotes) I find so many things to fear and so few to hope  (Find Quotes) I find churches limit me  (Find Quotes) I find celebrity really scary  (Find Quotes) To find that place between what I want and what I think is wise  (Find Quotes) Its so important to never limit yourself, to find yourself in a box  (Find Quotes) If you want to be the best, find the best in others  (Find Quotes)
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