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What you may seek and what you may find are not always one  (Find Quotes) I woke up only to find the rest of the world asleep  (Find Quotes) I find at moments I’m as fragile as glass  (Find Quotes) How far have I to go to find you in whom I have already arrived  (Find Quotes) I had to find the courage to turn my life around  (Find Quotes) To find relief in what has been, we must make ourselves eternal  (Find Quotes) Seek and you shall find the repulsive things you secretly hope to find  (Find Quotes) To come upon love without seeking it is the only way to find it  (Find Quotes) I find the term perfect child to be an oxymoron  (Find Quotes) You are what you are. Find a way to live with it  (Find Quotes) It’s always funny to find what people’s button is  (Find Quotes) You have to love what you’re doing in order to find the energy  (Find Quotes) I’ll always come for you. I’ll always find you  (Find Quotes) Teens find out a lot from other teens  (Find Quotes) Even I would find a book about my life pretty dull  (Find Quotes) Your angels guide, protect, and love you through every dark moment, and help you to find the Light again  (Find Quotes) You need to fail in order to find the right solution  (Find Quotes) I find coming up with a title the hardest part of writing a novel  (Find Quotes) If you sit quiet long enough, you find out what people really think  (Find Quotes) I find teenage girls endlessly funny  (Find Quotes) I’m trying to find myself. Sometimes it’s not that easy  (Find Quotes) I like big crowds. I find it easier to focus  (Find Quotes) I tend to find characters who lack vulnerability dull  (Find Quotes) You can always find time to do the thing you really, really want to do  (Find Quotes) I actually find a lot of pleasure in writing lyrics  (Find Quotes) And I find perfect beauty excessively boring, don’t you?  (Find Quotes) Find the audience, be excellent, and you will be fine  (Find Quotes) The best way to find something you have lost is to buy a replacement  (Find Quotes) And where does she find them?  (Find Quotes) Do not find yourself in the music, but find the music in yourself  (Find Quotes)
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