Finding Someone Quotes

Text Quotes
I care about looking into someone’s eyes and finding out who they are (Finding Someone Quotes)
Superman’ was a total accident. The producers of the animated series were having a hard time finding someone to read the character. I was brought in through a connection and, I think, out of desperation. (Finding Someone Quotes)
Marriage is more about work than about divine luck, more about finding someone to love than about finding someone to meet your own laundry list of personal needs. (Finding Someone Quotes)
But there is a different between mending someone who’s broken and finding someone who makes you complete. (Finding Someone Quotes)
If you’re having trouble finding someone to play with, why don’t you just go play with yourself. (Finding Someone Quotes)
What I will say is that Naz and I are not together just because we like to hang out. The purpose is finding someone that you can spend the rest of your life with, for me anyways. (Finding Someone Quotes)
Life is not about making dough or how many movies you can make in a year. It’s about finding someone that you can share things with. (Finding Someone Quotes)
If you truly love someone, don’t waste your time finding reasons to hate them. Spend it remembering why you love them in the first place. (Finding Someone Quotes)
The trick is finding a person whose flaws don’t drive you know...someone whose flaws you can live with...someone who can stand your flaws, too. (Finding Someone Quotes)
There comes a point in many people’s lives when they can no longer play the role they have chosen for themselves. When that happens, we are like actors finding that someone has changed the play. (Finding Someone Quotes)
That was the worst part about losing someone-finding a place to store all the thoughts and feelings you’d otherwise share with them. (Finding Someone Quotes)
One of the most challenging aspects of writing a memoir is finding your own voice, and you should be very careful about being influenced by someone else’s voice. (Finding Someone Quotes)
I would ask every man and every woman who’s had the blessing of having children, ‘Would you deny your son or your daughter the ecstasy of finding someone to love?’ To love someone takes a lot of courage. So how much more is one challenged when the love is of the same sex and the laws say, ‘I forbid you from loving this person’? (Finding Someone Quotes)
If someone asked for my recipe for happiness, step one would be finding out what you love most in the world and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing (Finding Someone Quotes)
Isn’t this the best part of breakin’ up? Finding someone else you can’t get enough of. Someone who wants to be with you, too (Finding Someone Quotes)
The challenge for me, and for Asian models in general has been convincing editors, stylists and photographers that we can have mass appeal, but Asian, especially Chinese models have become a stronger presence. Just a season or two ago, there weren’t many models for me to talk with backstage in my native Mandarin. Now I usually have no trouble finding someone at any show (Finding Someone Quotes)
Since I met Starsmith, my producer, I really feel like I’m making music because we write it together and produce it together. I’ve got a proper involvement in the end product as opposed to just writing a song and finding someone else to produce it (Finding Someone Quotes)
I had great luck with Tim McGraw twice in ‘Friday Night Lights’ and ‘The Kingdom.’ I love finding off-beat casting and finding someone you know in one way and you reinvent them in another way. I like doing that as a director (Finding Someone Quotes)
I’ve never met a genius. A genius to me is someone who does well at something he hates. Anybody can do well at something he loves - it’s just a question of finding the subject (Finding Someone Quotes)
Finding someone who’s willing to drown with you creates a situation where you no longer want to drown. (Finding Someone Quotes)
High school is about finding who you are, because that’s more important than trying to be someone else. (Finding Someone Quotes)
Intimacy is the capacity to be rather weird with someone - and finding that that’s ok with them. (Finding Someone Quotes)
I don’t worry about losing my looks. It’s finding them on someone else that worries me. (Finding Someone Quotes)
Romance? What is romance? Is it when I give you flowers? When I give you a gorgeous dinner? Or is it when I simply say, I love you. Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest. Love is not finding someone to live with; it’s finding someone you can’t live without. (Finding Someone Quotes)
I’m looking forward to finding someone in life that I can be truly happy with and relate to on all levels - someone I can bounce my stuff off. Right now, though, I’m not searching for that. I couldn’t possibly handle it at this point. But I still like knowing it will be out there sometime later. (Finding Someone Quotes)
I’d say I’m the opposite of someone that has the urge to stand in front of strangers and make them laugh, but the idea of getting up and telling a story and people finding it amusing always appealed to me. (Finding Someone Quotes)
...You can find people. It’s like those acrobatic displays.... Those ones when you stand on top of loads of people in a pyramid. It doesn’t really matter who they are, as long as they’re there and you don’t let them go away without finding someone else. (Finding Someone Quotes)
The factors that contributed to my growth were many - finding someone who understood me, exploring the unconscious, awakening my latent love . . . but one star is brightest among all: the self. I found the source of livingness inside me, something I didn’t even know existed. (Finding Someone Quotes)
When I left, they were stuck with the burden of finding someone else to blame for their life... Pointing their anger everywhere, but never looking in the mirror... Continuing the cycle that led to their misery. (Finding Someone Quotes)
Can you imagine finding someone who stays (Finding Someone Quotes)