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A person who suffers from severe locomotor anxiety finds himself in an almost permanent state of mental tension. He wakes in the morning with the anxious expectation of having to go out somewhere in the course of the day  (Finds Quotes) The secular world looks to the church and to its chagrin, finds no love, no life, no laughter, no hope and no happiness  (Finds Quotes) True interest appears when the self identifies itself with ideas or objects, when it finds in them a means of expression and they become a necessary form of fuel for its activity  (Finds Quotes) It often happens that the man who pursues the dollar too diligently finds it hard to catch, but if he will pursue some other and better goal, dollars come around to see what sort of fellow he is  (Finds Quotes) If my boyfriend finds me sexy, then I don’t need that kind of male attention from anyone else  (Finds Quotes) I always read what I write out loud, and I did that long before any radio thing. My editor finds that unusual  (Finds Quotes) The cynic finds love with the idealist. The rebel with the conformist. The social butterfly with the bookworm. They help each other balance their lives  (Finds Quotes) Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music  (Finds Quotes) For the scientists, they’re kind of puzzled and pleased that somebody finds their work interesting. It makes it fun for me. I feel like I’ve sort of turned over a stone that hasn’t been turned over  (Finds Quotes) Things have a way of moving to the left, and then they move back to the right before somebody finds themselves in the center. That seems to be the nature of the creative world. It’s not stagnant. I don’t get upset about it  (Finds Quotes) Even fools say something worthwhile now and again. Even a blind pig finds an acorn sometimes  (Finds Quotes) The wrong kind of guy to fall in love with is the guy who will let go of the steering wheel as a joke. A guy who finds it amusing to make you uncomfortable, which is more common than you’d think, is someone you want to avoid  (Finds Quotes) Constantly to seek the purpose of life is one of the odd escapes of man. If he finds what he seeks it will not be worth that pebble on the path  (Finds Quotes) A buddha is someone who finds freedom in good fortune and bad. Such is his power that karma can’t hold him. No matter what kind of karma, a buddha transforms it. Heaven and hell are nothing to him. But the awareness of a mortal is dim compared to that of a buddha, who penetrates everything, inside and out  (Finds Quotes) The facade is the ego. It is motivated by our seeking love. The only reward is frustration, as it is only by loving that one finds love  (Finds Quotes) Goods are displayed by thousands of shopkeepers with a sense of beauty that finds no other outlet  (Finds Quotes) Be eager to lend a patient ear to the opinions of others and think long and hard whether whoever finds fault has reason or not to censure you. And if the answer is yes, correct the fault. If no, give the impression that you have not heard him, or if he is a man whom you respect, explain to him why he is mistaken  (Finds Quotes) Who pants for glory, finds but short repose; A breath revives him, or a breath o’erthrows  (Finds Quotes) One way to find your place is like the rain, a million requests for lodging, one that wins, finds your cheek: you find your home  (Finds Quotes) The more intelligence one has, the more people one finds original. Commonplace people see no difference between men  (Finds Quotes) Nothing is good but mediocrity. The majority has settled that, and finds fault with him who escapes it at whichever end... To leave the mean is to abandon humanity  (Finds Quotes) History is on every occasion the record of that which one age finds worthy of note in another  (Finds Quotes) Society is only possible on these terms, that the individual finds therein a strengthening of his own ego and his own will  (Finds Quotes) Each man must take the material that he finds at hand, see that in it there are the big truths of life, the fundamentally big forces, and then express in his art whatever is the cause of his pleasure  (Finds Quotes) Each artist comes to the painting or sculpture because there he can be told that he, the individual, transcends all classes and flouts all predictions. In the work of art, he finds his uniqueness confirmed  (Finds Quotes) A man’s task is to find himself, and if he fails in this, it doesn’t much matter what else he finds  (Finds Quotes) Even in heavenly pleasures he finds no satisfaction, the disciple who is fully awakened delights only in the destruction of all desires  (Finds Quotes) A critical discourse that had respect for the mystery of art would look to the sense of life which finds expression in paradox, metaphor, tautology, and syntax  (Finds Quotes) During every really creative act, the artist finds himself homeless. To overcome this state he has to call up his last reserves of strength  (Finds Quotes) The artist is a man who finds that the form or shape of things externally corresponds, in some strange way, to the movements of his mental and emotional life  (Finds Quotes)
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