Fine Quotes

Text Quotes
Fishing is much more than fish. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers (Fine Quotes)
Music must take rank as the highest of the fine arts as the one which, more than any other, ministers to the human spirit (Fine Quotes)
I shouldn't be surprised if it hailed a good deal tomorrow, Eeyore was saying. Blizzards and what-not. Being fine today doesn't mean anything. It has no sig - what's that word? Well, it has none of that. It's just a small piece of wheather (Fine Quotes)
Unless you're food, water, or shelter, stop acting like I need you. I'll be just fine without you (Fine Quotes)
I think a little menace is fine to have in a story. For one thing, it's good for the circulation (Fine Quotes)
Do you want me to ride you like a rented mule, or do you prefer to be Mr. Missionary Position? I'm fine with wither, so it doesn't matter to me (Fine Quotes)
I... Chose a wife, as she did her wedding gown, not for a fine glossy surface, but such qualities as would wear well (Fine Quotes)
Either way, everything will be fine. But if you have an opinion, please feel free to offer it to me through the gap in the door of a public restroom. Everyone else does (Fine Quotes)
But I don't want to be fine, not if it means she's going to let go of my hand; not if it means we're going to go back to being polite strangers (Fine Quotes)
If there is a witness to my little life, To my tiny throes and struggles, He sees a fool; and it is not fine for gods to menace fools (Fine Quotes)
I have lived carefully, sheltered myself from the cold winds, eaten moderately of what was in season, drunk fine claret, slept in my own sheets; I shall live long (Fine Quotes)
The first thing a proprietor learns, and painfully at that, is: Trust is fine, but control is better (Fine Quotes)
Strictly speaking, there are no holidays for art; art pursues you everywhere, and that's just fine with the artist (Fine Quotes)
Glorious victories make fine songs, Yarvi, but inglorious ones are no worse once the bards are done with them. Glorious defeats, meanwhile, are just defeats (Fine Quotes)
And suddenly, as he noted the fine shades of manner by which she harmonized herself with her surroundings, it flashed on him that, to need such adroit handling, the situation must indeed be desperate (Fine Quotes)
Don't give advice. It will come back and bite you in the [butt]. Don't take anyone's advice. So, my advice to you is to be true to yourself and everything will be fine (Fine Quotes)
The officer sat with his long, fine hands lying on the table, perfectly still, and all his blood seemed to be corroding (Fine Quotes)
It heartens me to think of Verdi who composed thundering operas in his eighties; Michelangelo who did fine work in his ninetieth year, and Titian, who painted better than ever in his one hundredth (Fine Quotes)
I would not enter on my list of friends (Though graced with polish'd manner and fine sense, yet wanting sensibility) the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm (Fine Quotes)
It's fine to pray for a miracle, but don't be disappointed if the answer comes through a gradual change (Fine Quotes)
Do not conceive that fine clothes make fine men, any more than fine feathers make fine birds. A plain, genteel dress is more admired, obtains more credit in the eyes of the judicious and sensible (Fine Quotes)
Uniqueness is wasted on youth. Like fine wine or a solid flossing habit, you'll be grateful for it when you're older (Fine Quotes)
The fine thing about pacts with the devil is that when you sign them you are well aware of their conditions. Otherwise, why would you be recompensed with hell? (Fine Quotes)
Loyalty and obedience to wisdom and justice are fine; but it is still finer to defy arbitrary power, unjustly and cruelly used - not on behalf of ourselves, but on behalf of others more helpless (Fine Quotes)
There is no difficulty, says the steward of Moliere's miser, in giving a fine dinner with plenty of money; the really great cook is he who can set out a banquet with no money at all (Fine Quotes)
And weave fine cobwebs, fit for skull that's empty when the moon is full; such as take lodgings in a head that's to be let unfurnished (Fine Quotes)
Gout is not relieved by a fine shoe nor a hangnail by a costly ring nor migraine by a tiara (Fine Quotes)
Everything is fine and bright. Day must follow every night. My power keeps me safe from harm. The Goddess holds me in her arms (Fine Quotes)
Music is the only one of the fine arts in which not only man, but all other animals, have a common property, mice and elephants, spiders and birds (Fine Quotes)
Mr. Whittington is doing fine, but based on this development, we're gonna downgrade the condition of the story from Incredibly hilarious to Still funny, but, mmm, a little sad (Fine Quotes)