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Fine Quotes

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The fine art of executive decision consists in not deciding questions that are not now pertinent, in not deciding prematurely, in not making decisions that cannot be made effective, and in not making decisions that others should make  (Fine Quotes) I believe that true beauty comes from inside you and that always shows through. I have no problem with whatever the next look is, whether it’s big blonde hair and blue eyes or green hair and dark eyes. That’s fine so long as there isn’t just one ideal image  (Fine Quotes) Don’t be so damn hard on yourself. Yeah, you screwed up. You’re not perfect, fine. Learn from it. But don’t punish yourself. Be kind to you, even when you screw up. You’ll bounce back eventually. You’ll make up for it  (Fine Quotes) We are the puzzle pieces who seldom fit with other puzzle pieces. We inhabit singledom as our natural resting state... Secretly, we are romantics, romantics of the highest order. We want a miracle. Out of millions we have to find the one who will understand. For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. On a fine but by no means transcendent date, we dream of going home to watch television. We would prfer to be alone with our own thoughts than with a less than perfect fit... but when the quirkyalone collides with another, ooh la la. The earth quakes  (Fine Quotes) It’s fine to live in the now. But the best thing about now is that there’s another one tomorrow. I’m going to start making them count  (Fine Quotes) Down deep in every soul has a hidden longing, impulse, and ambition to do something fine and enduring... If you are willing, great things are possible to you  (Fine Quotes) If we don’t know ourselves, our essence, where our true power comes from, we will believe our power comes from collecting victories, trophies, money, or recognition. And these are all fine, but it’s not ultimately what life is about. When we think it is, we really waste our greatest possibilities  (Fine Quotes) Getting married is easy. Staying married is more difficult. Staying happily married for a lifetime is among the fine arts  (Fine Quotes) All metallics are neutrals. So it is absolutely fine to mix gold and silver; you just want it to look like it has purpose  (Fine Quotes) Doing something purely for one’s own enjoyment is fine, but, I must admit, finding that others enjoy it as well has a certain power over the corners of my mouth  (Fine Quotes) It is true that there is a fine line between entrepreneurship and insanity. Crazy people see and feel things that others don’t. But you have to believe that everything is possible. If you believe it, those around you will believe it too  (Fine Quotes) To have your heart in pieces while every other aspect of your life couldn’t go better is a traumatic experience. In appearance, life is fine. But as you put your day in focus, everything turns grey. What happened made me realise that complete, absolute happiness doesn’t exist  (Fine Quotes) I can pass a drug test in eight days with herbal cleansers. I drink 10 pounds of water and sweat out 10 pounds of water every day. I’ll be fine  (Fine Quotes) I have learned that some people who look fine are more crippled than I am, by fears they can’t explain. Other people are held back by shyness, or anger. In making friends, I see the way some people handicap themselves. I believe there are choices each of us make every single day. We can dwell on our limitations or we can push ourselves past them  (Fine Quotes) Bakery air is that steaming hot front of thick, buttery fumes waiting for you just inside the door of a bakery. And I am just going to tell you straight up: That is some fine air!  (Fine Quotes) Grain is life, there’s all this striving for perfection with digital stuff. Striving is fine, but getting there is not great. I want a sense of the human and that is what breathes life into a picture. For me, imperfection is perfection  (Fine Quotes) Writing is a fine thing, because it combines the two pleasures of talking to yourself and talking to a crowd  (Fine Quotes) Do not feed your ego and your problems, with your attention... Slowly, surely, the ego will lose weight, until one fine day it will be nothing but a thin ghost of its former self. You will be able to see right through it, to the divine presence that shines in each of us  (Fine Quotes) You never count your chickens before they hatch. I used to keep parakeets and I never counted every egg thinking I would get all eight birds. You just hoped they came out of the nest box looking all right. I’m like a swan at the moment. I look fine on top of the water but under the water my little legs are going mad  (Fine Quotes) Rowing is such a fine sport. Everyone goes backward, and the leader can see his opponents as they struggle in vain  (Fine Quotes) I think it rather fine, this necessity for the tense bracing of the will before anything worth doing can be done. I rather like it myself. I feel it is to be the chief thing that differentiates me from the cat by the fire  (Fine Quotes) Traditionally, photography has dealt with recording the world as it is found. Before photography appeared the fine artists of the time, the painters and sculptors, concerned themselves with rendering reality with as much likeness as their skill enabled. Photography, however, made artistic reality much more available, more quickly and on a much broader scale  (Fine Quotes) If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine. If you allow others to laugh with you, you will be great  (Fine Quotes) There’s a fine line in being too specific so you can’t be too flexible, and being too vague in being specific and people not thinking it’s meaningful  (Fine Quotes) A great factory with the machinery all working and revolving with absolute and rhythmic regularity and with the men all driven by one impulse, and moving in unison as though a constituent part of the mighty machine, is one of the most inspiring examples of directed force that the world knows. I have rarely seen the face of a mechanic in the action of creation which was not fine, never one which was not earnest and impressive  (Fine Quotes) Whatever a poet writes with enthusiasm and a divine inspiration is very fine. Earliest reference to the madness or divine inspiration of poets  (Fine Quotes) Acting is my first focus, but at the core, I’m a storyteller, and however that comes out is fine with me  (Fine Quotes) It’s really best not to tell people when you feel bad. Growing up is about keeping secrets, and pretending everything is fine  (Fine Quotes) If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart  (Fine Quotes) Once you get into the groove of things and in the mood you are usually fine; it is before the event that you get nervous and irritable  (Fine Quotes)
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