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Fine Quotes

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If someone gives you a piece of advice that sounds right and feels right, use it. If someone gives you a piece of advice that sounds right and feels wrong, don’t waste so much as a single second on it. It may be fine for someone else, but not for you  (Fine Quotes) Darwinism may be a fine theory in other contexts, but in startups, intelligent design works best  (Fine Quotes) I did everything I could except win. I feel fine. I just played bad at a big time  (Fine Quotes) There is a fine line between free speech and hate speech. Free speech encourages debate whereas hate speech incites violence  (Fine Quotes) It’s fine to have social media that connects us with old friends, but we need tools that help us discover new people as well  (Fine Quotes) There’s a certain relationship which we have to have with our inner functioning. That of respect and that of wonder. When we are quiet enough and positive enough that we can follow these fine indications inside which lead us to more functioning, we will find out what precious abilities we have which we usually don’t use  (Fine Quotes) Whatever is fine and permanent in human achievement has been realised through individuals courageously facing the circumstances of their being; and a society is civilised to the extent to which it makes this possible. Terrorism, which aims at putting out thespiritual light, is the antithesis of civilisation  (Fine Quotes) I think that the ideals of youth are fine, clear and unencumbered; and that the real art of living consists in keeping alive the conscience and sense of values we had when we were young  (Fine Quotes) I am suspicious of guilt in myself and in other people; it is usually a way of not thinking, or of announcing one’s own fine sensibilities the better to be rid of them fast  (Fine Quotes) Let come what comes, and accommodate yourself to that, whatever it is. If good mental images arise, that is fine. If bad mental images arise, that is fine, too. Look on all of it as equal, and make yourself comfortable with whatever happens  (Fine Quotes) I left home at 17, traveled. I got married when I was 21. That’s a young age. As it turned out, things were fine, then not so fine, and then it was a blunder. That happens all the time  (Fine Quotes) I think that those of us who are what are called intellectuals make a terrible mistake in overvaluing the yen we have for the arts, books, etc. There is a sweet, fine quality in life that has nothing to do with this, and more and more I find myself valuing myself with those people  (Fine Quotes) If my son wants to be a pimp when he grows up, that’s fine with me. I hope he’s a good one and enjoys it and doesn’t get caught. I’ll support him in this. But if he wants to be a network administrator, he’s out of the house and not part of my family  (Fine Quotes) I suppose we all tend to remember only the happiness from our childhood, as a sundial refuses to tell the time except in fine weather  (Fine Quotes) I know the joy of skating on a clear cold day. I know the joy of getting off a perfect drive in golf. I know the delight of a fine meal after a long walk. These are real and wholesome, but all of them put together can not approach the thrill of ridding yourself of fear!  (Fine Quotes) The funny thing is most people don’t approach me because they are scared, and that’s fine, I want to keep it that way. But the thing is if you’re not scared or get over it you learn that sometimes what you’re scared of is really what you shouldn’t be scared of  (Fine Quotes) You know, when you choose to make your living as an actor, it’s all fine and good to look at it as some kind of artistic endeavor. At its best, it is that. But the fact is, most of the actors out there don’t earn $3 million a picture and can’t afford to take two years off between films and look for the right thing. Most of us are tradesmen  (Fine Quotes) Water doesn’t hurt a vinyl record. Put it into a dishwasher and you’re fine  (Fine Quotes) I’m lucky my wife is a strong woman. She’s one of the stronger people I’ve ever met. It’s hard for me to be away, but I know my home life is fine because my wife is there  (Fine Quotes) If you try to break into my house, you will be severely lacerated and possibly electrocuted, and I’m fine with that. Because if you’re breaking into my house, you’re on your own  (Fine Quotes) There are some people who only know me for cornflakes ads, and that’s fine. I have a charmed life  (Fine Quotes) I think of something quite different from a snapshot. I know of a lot of poems, some very fine ones, that are like snapshots, but I’m more interested in poetry that is like an endless film, long stories, things that weave together many different strands, like a big piece of cloth, not like a photograph  (Fine Quotes) I don’t mind women who want to act. That’s fine. It’s odd that men want to act, in that there’s still a degree of vanity associated with it  (Fine Quotes) When I decide to score, I score. I know I am strong, but I believe it is not enough yet. I can kick fine, dribble very well, but I still have to improve  (Fine Quotes) I mean, every thought starts over, so every expression of a thought has to do the same. every accuracy has to be invented... I feel I am blundering in concepts too fine for me  (Fine Quotes) To my knowledge, there have been no studies done on the effects of antidepressants and altitude. But it is hugely important to find out if there are side effects. We should also find out what are the effects on fine motor skills and reaction time. These are all important questions that should be assessed  (Fine Quotes) At the very end of a book I can manage to work for longer stretches, but mostly, making stuff up for three hours, that’s enough. I can’t do any more. At the end of the day I might tinker with my morning’s work and maybe write some again. But I think three hours is fine  (Fine Quotes) I find it personally distracting when kids are constantly texting, but they can be texting something that is just benign and just fine  (Fine Quotes) As for the stage fright, it never goes away. When I’m waiting in the wings to go on, it’s agony every single time but I stay focused and I know that once I’m on stage it’ll be fine; I’ll be in my happy little bubble  (Fine Quotes) We tiptoed the tops of beaver dams, hopped hummocks, went wading, looked at spring flowers, tried to catcha snake, got lost and found. How fine it was to move at a meandery, child’s pace  (Fine Quotes)
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