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Fine Quotes

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I like things that have to do with what is real, elegant, well presented and without excessive style. In other words, just fine observation  (Fine Quotes) I’d like to explain why you fine young men had to be blown apart to defend this mud hole  (Fine Quotes) I look fine. I’ve had no surgery apart from an operation I had decades ago to remove the fat under my eyes. My mum looked 30 when she was 60, so I guess I owe it all to genes and hair dye  (Fine Quotes) I think interviews can be fine. It’s just there’s this terrible fear of coming off wrongly or saying something that gets taken out of context  (Fine Quotes) As someone who has had cancer, I learned that you don’t have to die. Look at me. Because of early detection, I’m fine. I’m cured. I’m well  (Fine Quotes) As a professional actor, I don’t have much choice about what I’ve gotten into. I tend to be cast in comedies and I’m fine with that  (Fine Quotes) That’s what I paint, I paint people. They’re portraits, but you won’t always be pleased with the way you look in my paintings. Which is fine, I guess. Unless you’re buying it, and it’s of your kid!  (Fine Quotes) I got me a fine wife and I got me old fiddle, when the suns coming up I got cakes on the griddle. And life ain’t nothing, but a funny, funny riddle  (Fine Quotes) If people want to criticize me because it sells papers, that’s fine. I just don’t like it when it’s inaccurate  (Fine Quotes) Getting older is fine. There is nothing you can do to stop it so you might as well stay on the bus  (Fine Quotes) More and more I understand that it’s very fine not to know where you come from  (Fine Quotes) It’s not just: you get off the plane, you’re back home, everything’s fine. Maybe the physical danger ends, but soldiers are still deeply at risk of being injured in a different way  (Fine Quotes) Take some time and educate your mind, in the long run I’m sure you’re fine  (Fine Quotes) For me, I don’t even like to promote my films but I have to because it’s in the fine print of my contract  (Fine Quotes) I got a very good life. I sold plenty of records, I get recognized plenty, I can always have somebody call up and get me a fine table at a restaurant. What do you really need, ultimately?  (Fine Quotes) I never wear very serious suits. I don’t have to because I don’t go to an office, so it’s fine  (Fine Quotes) I really don’t have a problem showing the ugly side of people. If that means my wearing no makeup, that’s fine. To me, that’s beautiful  (Fine Quotes) You can talk to one person for five minutes and be sick afterwards. You can be totally physically drained because their aura is so low. You can talk to someone else for an hour and just feel fine  (Fine Quotes) Dialogue that is written in dialect is very tiring to read. If you can do it brilliantly, fine. If other writers read your work and rave about your use of dialect, go for it. But be positive that you do it well, because otherwise it is a lot of work to read short stories or novels that are written in dialect. It makes our necks feel funny  (Fine Quotes) Joy doesn’t betray but sustains activism. And when you face a politics that aspires to make you fearful, alienated and isolated, joy is a fine initial act of insurrection  (Fine Quotes) As far as developing a career as an actress, I think it’s a fine balance between trying to just work, and also be true to yourself  (Fine Quotes) I’m thought of as a celebrity. Everything I’ve ever done... has been for children. As long as I was working constantly, that was fine, because, although I don’t have any children, I do relate better to them than adults  (Fine Quotes) I do have characters who are more well known than I am, which suits me fine  (Fine Quotes) All public resources go to the rich. The poor, if they can survive in the labor market, fine. Otherwise, they die. That’s economics in a nutshell  (Fine Quotes) You must constantly strive to enlarge your awareness. Naturally, if you do, you will have an uncommonly fine and happy life  (Fine Quotes) If you are a person who wants an uncommonly fine life, if you’re willing to put in some time each day to do that, then that will happen to you  (Fine Quotes) You can know the secrets of life. It doesn’t happen to anyone special. You just decide that you want an uncommonly fine life and you will it  (Fine Quotes) You can lead an uncommonly fine life. But it takes determination. You have to march to the beat of different drummer. You have to decide  (Fine Quotes) I am a fan of overdoing something, but not running it into the ground. They are complete opposites with only a fine line separating them  (Fine Quotes) I know I’m not a bully and everybody has their opinions and that’s fine with me  (Fine Quotes)
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