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Fine Quotes

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I hate to hear you talking so like a fine gentleman, and as if women were all fine ladies, instead of rational creatures  (Fine Quotes) I have found that it don’t really matter if you’re brought up fine or rough, but that it helps to have someone to spill your sorrows to  (Fine Quotes) Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer?  (Fine Quotes) When a man throws an empty cigarette package from an automobile, he is liable to a fine of $50. When a man throws a billboard across a view, he is richly rewarded  (Fine Quotes) Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well  (Fine Quotes) The spider’s touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line  (Fine Quotes) Online publication is fine with me, in part because I hope to collect those stories later  (Fine Quotes) I look at it like, I’m just a character actor. If I get cast as the stoned sidekick, fine. But I just want to act  (Fine Quotes) We see many fine sunsets here, unique in the splendour of their colour. No doubt the surroundings in this fairyland of blue and white do much to increase their beauty  (Fine Quotes) To create man was a fine and original idea; but to add the sheep was a tautology  (Fine Quotes) Sorry about the delay. We were having unholy connection problems of the damned. But things seem to be working fine now  (Fine Quotes) .. Art lies in the fine choice. The artist does not teach us to see facts: he teaches us to feel harmonies  (Fine Quotes) As long as they’re homophobic behind closed doors, and don’t hurt anyone, I’m fine with it  (Fine Quotes) Ok, I said to myself as I sighted the bird down the end of the gun. This time, my fine feathered friend, there is no escape  (Fine Quotes) Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out  (Fine Quotes) A light supper, a good night’s sleep, and a fine morning have often made a hero of the same man who by indigestion, a restless night, and a rainy morning, would have proved a coward  (Fine Quotes) Oh, to say something so fine, so memorable, that it carries across time, oceans, and languages!  (Fine Quotes) He’ll return one fine day, I’ll see the telltale smoke rise far above the far horizon before his ship appears  (Fine Quotes) There was a reviewer a while back who wrote that my pictures didn’t have any beginning or any end. He didn’t mean it as a compliment, but it was. It was a fine compliment  (Fine Quotes) Our entire life, with our fine moral code and our precious freedom, consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are  (Fine Quotes) Dress not thy thoughts in too fine a raiment. And be not a man of superfluous words or superfluous deeds  (Fine Quotes) Explain it as we may, a martial strain will urge a man into the front rank of battle sooner than an argument, and a fine anthem excite his devotion more certainly than a logical discourse  (Fine Quotes) Size isn’t everything. The whale is endangered, while the ant continues to do just fine  (Fine Quotes) Idealistic producing is safe. Sensibly projected in the theater, the fine thing always does pay and always will  (Fine Quotes) Read your own compositions, and when you meet a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out  (Fine Quotes) Golf is a fine relief from the tensions of office, but we are a little tired of holding the bag  (Fine Quotes) Happiness is the fine and gentle rain which penetrates the soul, but which afterwards gushes forth in springs of tears  (Fine Quotes) Like a beautiful flower full of color, but without scent, are the fine but fruitless words of him who does not act accordingly  (Fine Quotes) Fine speeches are the instruments of fools or knaves, who use them when they want good sense; but honesty needs no disguise or ornament  (Fine Quotes) Misfortunes, in fine, cannot be avoided; but they may be sweetened, if not overcome, and our lives made happy by philosophy  (Fine Quotes)
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