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Fine Quotes

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The Internet is a bright spot for our struggling economy and functioning just fine without what amounts to a federal pat-down of the inner workings of the Internet  (Fine Quotes) Bond reflected that good Americans were fine people and that most of them seemed to come from Texas  (Fine Quotes) But no, had I been successful in my 20s I would have been just fine. But it is nice to defy the odds  (Fine Quotes) The grave’s a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace  (Fine Quotes) I honestly always thought my Master’s in Fine Arts would get me further in the acting world than knowing how to work an espresso machine  (Fine Quotes) History is admirably dangerous. It is not the soft option. Teachers need to be grown up and brave. Sensitivity is fine, but it stops at the door of honest narrative  (Fine Quotes) My hair is very fine, so I use Tigi Bed Head Small Talk before I blow dry for volume, and I’m a firm believer in Tigi Rockaholic dry shampoo to keep volume throughout the day  (Fine Quotes) I’m ‘That Guy.’ That’s what most people call me, and I’m fine with that  (Fine Quotes) Turkey is fine, but if I don’t have the sides, forget about it. And cornbread stuffing is at the center of my plate. I will have about six sides and then a little bit of turkey and gravy  (Fine Quotes) Everybody says love is about finding the person who is right for me and then everything will be fine. But it’s not like that. It involves work. An old man tells you this!  (Fine Quotes) I am really OK with the way I look. It’s fine. All this is transient. I mean, it’s really, you know, it changes with time, and that’s the external  (Fine Quotes) I never really knew what fine cuisine was when I was a little boy in Canada. For me, Italian food was ‘Kraft Dinner’ or pizza. When I moved to New York, that’s when I discovered all the Italian food  (Fine Quotes) When I take on a role, all I tend to do is get to know the script and ask millions of questions, and keep fine tuning what I think the character is trying to say  (Fine Quotes) Financially, I’m fine. But it’s good to work. I’m not capable of doing nothing  (Fine Quotes) Some people said, ‘Oh you’re going to become a fine artist now and do exhibits and stuff.’ But I have no desire to do that. I really like design and I’m going to stay with it  (Fine Quotes) Everything to me is about team football, and if we keep winning Super Bowl trophies, I’ll be fine  (Fine Quotes) But there’s a difference between having artistic interests and being psychotic. That’s more than a fine line of differentiation, and I do see that a bit too much  (Fine Quotes) Insofar as it represents a genuine reconciliation of differences, a consensus is a fine thing; insofar as it represents a concealment of differences, it is a miscarriage of democratic procedure  (Fine Quotes) You should never form judgments from front page headlines. As with a contract, the fine print on the inside pages should be carefully studied  (Fine Quotes) Existence was given us for action. Our worth is determined by the good deed we do, rather than by the fine emotions we feel  (Fine Quotes) It’s the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class  (Fine Quotes) Fine, dandy, she thought. Then lose the shirt, peel off those leather pants, and lie down on my tile. We’ll take turns being on the bottom  (Fine Quotes) Fine. If I can’t have you, then you do the taking. Have all of me, part of me, a small piece, whatever you want. Just please, have something  (Fine Quotes) Often people with fine countenances and fit bodies were mistakenly assumed by others to have the brains to match  (Fine Quotes) ... you don’t need ghosts to be haunted. Memory does that just fine without any supernatural help at all  (Fine Quotes) Some new machinery with adequate powers must be created now if our fine phrases and noble sentiments are to have substance and meaning for our children  (Fine Quotes) A citizen can hardly distinguish between a tax and a fine, except that the fine is generally much lighter  (Fine Quotes) There’s a very fine line between pleasure and pain. They are two sides of the same coin, one not existing without the other  (Fine Quotes) A pleasant aperitif, as well as a good chaser for a short quick whiskey, as well again for a fine supper drink, is beer  (Fine Quotes) Truly, as the ancients taught us, there is nothing under the moon, however fine, that is not subject to corruption  (Fine Quotes)
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