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[W]ords are fine, but it has to be what a generation reads into those words  (Fine Quotes) I’ve always felt fine about Putin. I think he is a strong leader, he’s a powerful leader, he’s represented his country the way - the country is being represented  (Fine Quotes) It’s easy to stand up and say I will destroy ISIS; I will make the sands in the Middle East glow in the dark. Well, that’s fine, but you have to have something to do that with  (Fine Quotes) If I’m collaborating with an artist I like to give them my point of view and if they don’t want to take any of my recommendations it’s fine, but it’s hard otherwise  (Fine Quotes) I feel like I walk a very fine line between wanting someone to be open and vulnerable and honest with me and the listeners, but not wanting anyone to ever feel like I’m exploiting them  (Fine Quotes) I don’t dislike the way I look. I think I look fine. I think I look extraordinary for 88. And I’ve got energy. Out of my way  (Fine Quotes) And that was my homecoming. It was fine, I guess. Getting back feels like your first breath after nearly drowning. Even if it hurts, it’s good  (Fine Quotes) I warn black Americans’don’t get too mixed. A little is fine, but not to the point where you’re out of the family  (Fine Quotes) I’m wary of the word glam because I think that became the all-inclusive term with for any bloke with lipstick on, which is fine, you know, and that’s what it is when it comes down to the public level  (Fine Quotes) I know a lot of people that don’t pray or anything, and that’s fine - but I need to. I don’t even want to call it prayer, I just want to call it talking to something bigger than me  (Fine Quotes) I’ve had enough experience with knowing that things will turn out just fine. I pray for that. There’s a lesson in everything. Looking for the lesson is grounding  (Fine Quotes) I don’t mind not having recognition. If it happens, fine, but it doesn’t bother me that it’s not there  (Fine Quotes) So, for a book set in 2006, Open City evades certain markers, while it embraces certain others. Julius doesn’t use a smartphone, and he doesn’t discuss contemporary US politics in any fine detail  (Fine Quotes) Not everybody has that mentality and that’s fine, but once Robert Redford leaves this earth - later rather than sooner - his legacy will go on  (Fine Quotes) I think people should consume their music any way they want. If it’s more practical for them to listen to it on an iPod or something, that’s fine by me  (Fine Quotes) Agnes Martin is a big influence in my work actually, when I first saw her, these fine grids  (Fine Quotes) Remain dignified, dress well, be good to other people and you’ll be fine  (Fine Quotes) I was an English major in college with minors in Fine Arts and Humanities  (Fine Quotes) As long as your robot isn’t programmed by like Dr. Evil, I think you’re going to be fine  (Fine Quotes) I’m broken. You’re fine. You’re hers. Not mine. Feelings fade. Hearts break. All because of one mistake  (Fine Quotes) Let me know if you need someone to listen as you desperately try to convince yourself everything’s fine  (Fine Quotes) It’s hard to let go of people who are important to you but twice as hard to see them fine as you let them go  (Fine Quotes) There is a joy in going without things, a fine tang in eliminating the superfluous  (Fine Quotes) Sorry your outdated religious views dismantled our perfectly fine relationship  (Fine Quotes) There is a fine line between sarcasm and hostility, you seemed to have crossed it. What’s up?  (Fine Quotes) A fine city with too many socialists and mosquitoes. At least you can spray the mosquitoes  (Fine Quotes) Never say you’re happy when you’re sad. Never say you’re fine when you’re not okay. Never say you feel good when you feel bad. And never say you’re alone when I’m still here  (Fine Quotes) Photographers undervalue the use of the wastebasket in their pursuit of fine photography  (Fine Quotes) The world is a fine place. The only thing wrong with it is us. How little justice and humility there is in us, how poorly we understand patriotism!  (Fine Quotes) Our admiration of fine writing will always be in proportion to its real difficulty and its apparent ease  (Fine Quotes)
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