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Fine Quotes

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Computers are like air conditioners. They work fine until you start opening windows  (Fine Quotes) Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it  (Fine Quotes) Im good at mastering my emotions. I could be breaking down inside but to your face you’d think I’m perfectly fine  (Fine Quotes) Fine. You can tell the universe how much you love her, just please do not let me hear it  (Fine Quotes) Sometimes, people just say I’m fine because it’s difficult to find someone who actually listens and cares about your life  (Fine Quotes) Any man with a fine shock of hair, a good set of teeth, and a bewitching smile can park his brains, if he has any, and run for public office  (Fine Quotes) No matter what happens, no matter the outcome, you’re going to be just fine. Let things you can’t control, happen  (Fine Quotes) You might need time to think it over, but I’m just fine moving forward  (Fine Quotes) Where men of fine feeling are concerned there is seldom misunderstanding  (Fine Quotes) Today has really been good. Tomorrow is another fine day we are all looking forward to. Be hopeful. God is in control!  (Fine Quotes) Take a deep breath and use one minute to count your blessings. For 60 seconds, your life seems just fine, because it is. Repeat as needed  (Fine Quotes) I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar  (Fine Quotes) A sane mind should not be guilty of a logical fallacy, yet there are very fine minds incapable of following mathematical demonstrations  (Fine Quotes) Nice guys finish last because they make sure they put their woman first which would be fine if women didn’t always take advantage of it and mistake being a gentleman for weakness  (Fine Quotes) Hope is wishing everything will be okay. Faith is knowing even if it’s not, you’ll still be fine. Have faith  (Fine Quotes) Is there anything so wretched as to look at a man of fine abilities doing nothing  (Fine Quotes) Got in a wreck with a smart car today, its totaled. My bike is fine though  (Fine Quotes) How to trap an atheist: Serve him a fine meal, then ask him if he believes there is a cook  (Fine Quotes) I am an acquired taste, like a fine wine or a pate. If you are not sophisticated or worldly enough to appreciate my bold flavor, then you are welcome to choose something else from the menu  (Fine Quotes) Fine. Since the tea is not forthcoming, let’s have a philosophical conversation  (Fine Quotes) There’s a fine line between describing yourself as a dreamer and being delusional  (Fine Quotes) She says shes fine but shes going insane. She says she feels good but shes in a lot of pain. She says its nothing but its really a lot. She says shes okay but really shes not  (Fine Quotes) The truth, the absolute truth, is that the chief beauty for the theatre consists in fine bodily proportions  (Fine Quotes) I want to make it clear: it’s not that I hate mainstream cinema. It’s perfectly fine. There are a lot of people who need to escape, because they are in very difficult situations, so they have the right to escape from the world. But this has nothing to do with an art form  (Fine Quotes) The music on the radio is fine, it’s just not my type of music. You don’t play an instrument, and you don’t need to be able to sing. You just need to be able to make a beat and use auto-tune. It’s crazy!  (Fine Quotes) Contrary to what we conclude naturally, the gospel is not too good to be true. It is true! Its the truest truth in the entire universe. No strings attached! No fine print to read. No buts. No conditions. No qualifications. No footnotes. And especially, no need for balance  (Fine Quotes) I can have a song with Ariana Grande that is going to be the song for all the kids and the teen girls, and then another song that could be for a different group of people who all love the song. I’m with whoever. Whatever type of people want to love the music and whatever they love about the music is fine with me  (Fine Quotes) Confidence is not ‘they will like me’. Confidence instead is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’  (Fine Quotes) Probably the label ‘Jesus freak’ is fine with me. Because I know who I am  (Fine Quotes) Australia has a thing where apparently it’s fine for me to dress up as an Asian woman. No one has questioned that  (Fine Quotes)
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