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Fine Quotes

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I believe in believing. My coach John Kavanagh is a big atheist and he is always trying to persuade people to his way of thinking, and I think what a waste of energy. If people want to believe in this God, or that God, that’s fine by me, believe away. But I think we can be our own gods. I believe in myself  (Fine Quotes) Curses are exacting, legal arrangements of the spiritual world. Just like human contracts contain fine print and legally crafted language, satanic curses are filled with minutiae that required detailed voiding  (Fine Quotes) Sure, there are times when the guys talk about playing football in school and I can’t relate to that, but I can relate to being a female athlete. And as long as you are prepared, work hard and know your stuff, you will be fine  (Fine Quotes) I tend to work in the mornings, then take a few hours off in the afternoon to walk the dog, and then come back and work in the evening. So, if I can remember my pre-dog walking music when I get back then that’s fine, I’ll kind of commit to those bits, but if I can’t remember them I’ll just move on to something else  (Fine Quotes) Wall Street is perhaps the most powerful economic and political force in this country. You have companies like Goldman Sachs, who just recently paid a settlement fine with the federal government for $5 billion for defrauding investors  (Fine Quotes) I never get too many problems. You can never please everyone anyway, obviously. And some people take the easy route and just play the greatest hits, and their audience is happy to hear that as well, and that’s fine, but it wouldn’t please me. But it doesn’t trouble me  (Fine Quotes) Cruelty, as a fine art, has attained its perfect flower in the trained-animal world  (Fine Quotes) I’m fine. Well, I’m not fine - I’m here.Is there something wrong with that?Absolutely  (Fine Quotes) Eartha Mae is very shy. She’s scared to be seen, scared of rejection and even afraid of affection. Relationships can be rather uncomfortable for her. But, as Eartha Kitt, it’s fine. I can accept and reject any time I want to. Do I ever reject? Not really. Although people think I do!  (Fine Quotes) I’m not accident prone, really, but I was cutting something and sort of lost control, and it went through my big toe. There was a lot of blood and I nearly fainted, but its totally fine now  (Fine Quotes) Acting in more science fiction films would be fine by me. I love doing them  (Fine Quotes) I’d trained at the University of Washington and had a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting  (Fine Quotes) I honestly always thought my Master’s in Fine Arts would get me further in the acting world than knowing how to work an espresso machine!  (Fine Quotes) Acting’s fine if the script’s written by Paddy Chayefsky and Martin Scorsese directs it, but unless you have something like that, I don’t really enjoy acting  (Fine Quotes) It’s fine to seek professional help, but I urge everyone - no matter how big their portfolio - to truly understand every suggestion they’re given before acting  (Fine Quotes) If you look good, you can act in a Bollywood movie, you don’t have to be able to act; and Aishwarya Rai is a great example of this. She is a beautiful woman... You look at her, I want to look at her. Damn, she is fine; but stop acting or stop trying to act  (Fine Quotes) It’s a fine line of doing what’s good for your life and what your parents want you to do, but also following your dreams. With my parents, when I was younger, I always had to do two things. If I was acting, I always had to do a sport or something on the arts side of things along with that  (Fine Quotes) I have mainly been interested in acting. I think it’s a great job, a fine way to live your life  (Fine Quotes) No one raps about food like I do. I rap about fine dishes - like, all kinds of things that only real chefs and real foodies are going to know about  (Fine Quotes) When it comes to African Americans and African American actors, Hollywood has always felt that if you can make us laugh, that’s fine, but we don’t need to see you do a ‘Schindler’s List,’ where there’s no jokes or music or comedic through-line.  (Fine Quotes) The most important thing today is that Mark Webber is safe and OK. After a very nasty accident, he’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) I went to college as a theater major. But after about three weeks of that, I changed to the school of fine arts as a painter.  (Fine Quotes) Oh, I had, ‘No one will ever fancy me!’ I had that well into my teens. Even now I do not consider myself to be some kind of great, sexy beauty. I don’t mind the way I’m ageing. No reason to panic just yet. I think I look my age, and that’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) With mortal age comes the immense need for childish charms. Like a fine wine, sweetens with maturity.  (Fine Quotes) I think we can all agree that Colin Firth falls into the George Clooney category of ‘Men Who Age Like Fine Wine.’  (Fine Quotes) Obviously I love the fans, and it’s beyond lovely that people like my work, and I love saying ‘Hi,’ shaking a hand, doing a high five. All that’s fine. But the posing for photos is so time-consuming and frankly a bit weird.  (Fine Quotes) Fine! You guys can all be beautiful snowflakes! I’m gonna go over here and be an awkward snowflake!  (Fine Quotes) However, there’s three reasons for doing things in this particular world. One is love, one is prestige and the other’s money. If you get all three together, that’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) Having lovers and friends is all good and fine But I don’t like yours and you don’t like mine.  (Fine Quotes) Catholics have guilt and Jews have guilt, fine. But mothers can trump them all.  (Fine Quotes)
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