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Fine Quotes

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Kudos to you for generating enough sweat that it actually drips off of your body - and all over the machine you are using at the time. If you sweat a lot, that’s fine, but wipe down the damn machine when you’re done... or I will confront you, and it will not be pretty.  (Fine Quotes) The world is fine and everything is normal and then, bang, you just get bowled over by the wrathful deities somehow. That happens in very small ways and happens in very large ways when you have a major conflagration in the world. It’s another cycle of existence of human beings.  (Fine Quotes) Drugs are fine for you alone at home, but when it comes to being a family, which a band is, it just messes everything up.  (Fine Quotes) I always was alone. And I’m alone today. It’s fine. I have lots of friends, but not in terms of working together.  (Fine Quotes) Fashion always was a huge interest of mine. I love beautiful clothes. I appreciate fine beading and lovely fabrics.  (Fine Quotes) I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me because of the fact I haven’t got any true friends! I’m fine the way I am.  (Fine Quotes) I’m sorry, Cullen. I really am. I know this sucks. But you’re better off anyway. And you’ll be fine. You needed me. Now someone else needs me.  (Fine Quotes) Money is not everything. My ambition was football itself, not the money I’d make from it. If that brings me and my family a more comfortable lifestyle, then that’s fine. But I don’t spend my time between games and training sessions thinking about figures.  (Fine Quotes) It is kind of a problem in America that so many Americans believe if they elect a different president, everything is going to be fine.  (Fine Quotes) The American nation in the sixth ward is a fine people; they love the eagle - on the back of a dollar.  (Fine Quotes) I never wear very serious suits. I don’t have to because I don’t go to an office, so it’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) The best teachers, one hopes, don’t shout at their students - because they are skilled at wooing as well as demanding the best efforts of others. For the ancient Greeks and Romans, this wooing was a sufficiently fine art in itself to be the central focus of education.  (Fine Quotes) Emotions can create problems that do not exist. It’s fine to be justifiably angry. But, it’s not okay to let that anger fester long enough to become bitterness.  (Fine Quotes) Aggressive female icons have been chronically demeaned... It’s fine for male artists to be angry - they’re encouraged to outwardly express their aggression - but women? I’ve been painted as an aggressive Feminazi because I’m blunt, stubborn, independent, forthright.  (Fine Quotes) With animal behavior, they’re all fine until you introduce some rogue element into the cage, and then they go crazy.  (Fine Quotes) Experiments with animals have long been handicapped by our anthropocentric attitude: We often test them in ways that work fine with humans but not so well with other species.  (Fine Quotes) Best, I’d advise, to give up all animal products obtained by cruel methods. There are some fine companies nowadays offering leather substitutes.  (Fine Quotes) Fine! muttered Mogget. Wet, cold, and full of holes. Another fun day on the river.  (Fine Quotes) I had a few really bad years in school, just from not fitting in and being bullied. It was kind of brilliant being a military brat, though, because when you’re in that kind of situation, you just think, ‘I only have to hang on for another year, because then we’ll move. It’ll be fine if I can just get out of here.’  (Fine Quotes) My husband will never chase another woman. He’s too fine, too decent, too old.  (Fine Quotes) Hopefully I can just have another terrible year with only the one Grand Slam and that will be just fine.  (Fine Quotes) For every year past the age of 27, you need to take another step toward commitment somewhere in your life. Instead of freelancing, you get a staff job. Instead of renting, you buy. Fine, instead of couch-surfing, you rent.  (Fine Quotes) In general, questions are fine; you can always seize upon the parts of them that interest you and concentrate on answering those. And one has to remember when answering questions that asking questions isn’t easy either, and for someone who’s quite shy to stand up in an audience to speak takes some courage.  (Fine Quotes) As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, he is trash.  (Fine Quotes) Stop making me feel good. If you are anti-Semitic, fine. If you don’t like me personally, fine. But deal with me as an individual, not as a Jew.  (Fine Quotes) There is no reason to suppose that taste is in any way a lower sense than the other four; a fine palate is as much a gift as an eye that discerns beauty or an ear that appreciates and enjoys subtle harmonies of sound, and we are quite right to value the pleasures that all our senses give us and educate their perceptions.  (Fine Quotes) If anybody can appreciate fine music, it’s me. I mean who else can hit multiple octaves with their armpits~?  (Fine Quotes) People say you have expensive tastes.My Humble reply : I appreciate fine art, and fine art is not cheap.  (Fine Quotes) I do what I believe in. I do good work, and the people who appreciate it, fine, and those who don’t, fine, that’s good.  (Fine Quotes) I know, indeed, of nothing more subtly satisfying and cheering than a knowledge of the real good will and appreciation of others. Such happiness does not come with money, nor does it flow from fine physical state. It cannot be brought. But it is the keenest joy, after all; and the toiler’s truest and best reward.  (Fine Quotes)
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