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Fine Quotes

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There’s a snobbery at work in architecture. The subject is too often treated as a fine art, delicately wrapped in mumbo-jumbo. In reality, it’s an all-embracing discipline taking in science, art, maths, engineering, climate, nature, politics, economics.  (Fine Quotes) I studied fine arts and architecture, but I decided to move into movie design because I grew up in a small town in the Marche region and spent a lot of time after school in the movie theater.  (Fine Quotes) I like a women who’s got some balls, some strength. As long as I can beat her at arm wrestling, that’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) Let’s stop pretending we can arrest our way to safety and security. Despite all the fine work that policemen and women do, we have got to find other solutions to deter crime.  (Fine Quotes) My major was Fine Arts and Education thinking I would become an Art Teacher. I couldn’t visualize myself as an art teacher, thinking how it wouldn’t work.  (Fine Quotes) We believed that there’s no such thing as good art or bad art. Art is art. If it’s bad, it’s something else. It was a much, much harder line in the 50s and 60s than it is now, because the idea of art education didn’t exist - they didn’t have a fine arts program when I was a kid.  (Fine Quotes) Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr.  (Fine Quotes) If some of this art is not for you, that’s fine. Art appreciation is a subjective matter, and we each bring our own experience, knowledge and taste to the party.  (Fine Quotes) Fine art is something wonderful that’s left long into the future ... eternal beauty.  (Fine Quotes) By itself, tofu is like wet foam rubber, but you’d no more eat it by itself and expect fine dining than you would stare at a blank canvas and expect to see fine art.  (Fine Quotes) I especially love all the instruments of art: inks, pens, paintbrushes, watercolors and oils, fine papers and canvases, and although I love to mess around with these tools and objects, I have minimal artistic skills.  (Fine Quotes) My interest in art must have started with my Catholic upbringing. Art was everywhere: churches with its paintings, sculptures, stained glass, textiles, and fine metalwork.  (Fine Quotes) Be true to yourself. Make each day a masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day.  (Fine Quotes) I lived through being pooh-poohed by fine art galleries, saying, Digital is going to destroy the meaning behind photos. The motion side, the moment all of the cameras come alive with that motion, it was like a dream come true. It enables people to economically experiment with film.  (Fine Quotes) A fine memoir is to a fine novel as a well-wrought blanket is to a fancifully embroidered patchwork quilt. The memoir, a logical creation, dissects and dignifies reality. Fiction, wholly extravagant, magnifies it and gives it moral shape. Fiction has no practical purpose. Fiction, after all, is art.  (Fine Quotes) It’s fine to live in the now. But the best thing about now is that there’s another one tomorrow. I’m going to start making them count.  (Fine Quotes) Most of the work I make uses materials that are a bit outside of the traditional fine art world  (Fine Quotes) Everything is inspiring! It could be fine art or a conversation I have with somebody!  (Fine Quotes) For me, pointing and clicking my phone is absolutely fine. People say that isn’t the art of photography but I don’t agree.  (Fine Quotes) Some people’s photography is an art. Not mine. Art is a dirty word in photography. All this fine art crap is killing it already.  (Fine Quotes) A fine work of art - music, dance, painting, story - has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place.  (Fine Quotes) I take pleasure in working with the non-art photographs that reside in public archives, essentially authorless and owned by the world itself, because I find the world of fine art photography to be pretty silly and pretentious.  (Fine Quotes) I went to school for fine art. I’m a decent housepainter, but I’m a really good fine art painter.  (Fine Quotes) Our best teachers do more than impart facts and figures - they inspire and encourage students and instill a true desire to learn. That’s a fine art in itself.  (Fine Quotes) I love art. My sister is an artist and my mother is a painter, so it is very much in the family. I haven’t ever wanted to be a fine artist myself - my sister robbed me of my artistic talent, I think.  (Fine Quotes) I was a child of a single mother/art teacher, and a father who was an architect, so I’ve always been around the combination of art, fine art, and architecture my entire life.  (Fine Quotes) But if you’re talking about fine art work, then I think you have to ask yourself some pretty deep questions about why it is you want to take pictures and what it is you want to say.  (Fine Quotes) That’s the fine balance of a fiction writer...to be able to give your characters enough freedom to surprise you and yet still maintain some kind of artistic control.  (Fine Quotes) Thank God I arrived the day before yesterday, the first of the month, at this port of San Diego, truly a fine one, and not without reason called famous.  (Fine Quotes) Being funny, it turns out, is like being a bank. It’s a confidence trick. As long as everyone believes in you, you are fine.  (Fine Quotes)
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