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Fine Quotes

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Even when people are so judgmental about what you wear or your weight you just have to step away and be like, ‘I’m a normal, fine human being.’  (Fine Quotes) The truth is I studied fine arts in Switzerland. I was just interested. I had no dream of being a movie star.  (Fine Quotes) Being a parent is not just about how you treat your child; it’s also about how you treat the other parent. If you treat that person with respect, that’s fine, that’s the way to go. But if you don’t, you’re not being the parent you could be.  (Fine Quotes) If I have my opinion about something, you have your opinion about something, we don’t have to fight over it. And we can have a conversation. We can also disagree without being disagreeable, and we can just disagree, which is fine. It doesn’t mean that I don’t like you, or you don’t like me. We just disagree.  (Fine Quotes) There’s a fine line between being colorful and being an asshole, and I hope I’m still just colorful.  (Fine Quotes) I know that life, I’ve done all those things, and I can still tell you that just being you is perfectly fine.  (Fine Quotes) Sometimes there has to be a goat on some level, and I’m totally fine with that being me  (Fine Quotes) I was very proud to be Mrs. Curtis Amy. My thing in life when I married Curtis Amy was being Mrs. Curtis Amy. Career was fine, but I was enthralled with being Curtis’ wife. That was very important to me back then, and that’s always important to a young lady from New Orleans. That’s our upbringing: to be a wonderful wife and mother first.  (Fine Quotes) Being vintage like a fine wine Should make you proud of being old And being mature like a cheese Certainly explains the mould! Fester on undaunted into your 7th decade  (Fine Quotes) Fine, dandy, she thought. Then lose the shirt, peel off those leather pants, and lie down on my tile. We’ll take turns being on the bottom.  (Fine Quotes) I’m fine with being thought of as a guitar player, and if I can get any recognition or respect for doing that, that’s a pretty good thing for me.  (Fine Quotes) I’ve always felt fine about Putin. I think he is a strong leader, he’s a powerful leader, he’s represented his country the way - the country is being represented.  (Fine Quotes) It’s not easy being Hugh Jackman, but he wears the attention better than anyone I’ve ever met. He treats every person he meets the same and finds joy in everything he does. The lesson I’ve learned is that if you work incredibly hard, and you’re nice to everybody, you’ll be fine.  (Fine Quotes) There’s a fine line in being too specific so you can’t be too flexible, and being too vague in being specific and people not thinking it’s meaningful.  (Fine Quotes) I don’t believe in pretending to be someone else. I’m what I actually am in real life. For instance, like any normal girl, I fight with my mother. I mean, it is just fine. In fact, I fight daily with my mother.  (Fine Quotes) I’m a firm believer in God himself, but that’s as far as I can go. I’m not any denomination. I’m not Catholic or Presbyterian or Baptist or Methodist or Jewish or Muslim. I’m none of those things. And I’m sure that’s just fine with God.  (Fine Quotes) Ask how to live? Write, write, write, anything; The world’s a fine believing world, write news.  (Fine Quotes) That was a pretty fine Army that we had in 1965. By 1973, it was in tatters. It was a disgrace to the country and to itself, to its own heritage, really. So it’s, you know, the Army belongs to all 307 million of us. It is our common possession, it’s our common heritage. As goes the Army, so goes the republic.  (Fine Quotes) I want to be the best actor that I can be; I want to be working in this business absolutely, and if that means being a movie star, then OK, that’s fine. But to me, movie star, celebrity, all that stuff means something very different than being an actor.  (Fine Quotes) Some people have been kind enough to call me a fine artist. I’ve always called myself an illustrator. I’m not sure what the difference is. All I know is that whatever type of work I do, I try to give it my very best. Art has been my life.  (Fine Quotes) Cartooning at its best is a fine art. I’m a cartoonist who works in the medium of animation, which also allows me to paint my cartoons.  (Fine Quotes) I have made the choices that work best for me. I know I cannot please everyone, and that’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) The best is yet to come, and won’t that be fine? You think you’ve seen the sun, but you ain’t seen it shine.  (Fine Quotes) I love women. They’re the best thing ever created. If they want to be like men and come down to our level, that’s fine.  (Fine Quotes) High finance isn’t burglary or obtaining money by false pretenses, but rather a judicious selection from the best features of those fine arts.  (Fine Quotes) Other people do better going on to grad school and others yet are naturally inclined and do just fine without any formal training at all. Everyone is different. The only things I think are imperative are focus, determination and hard work.  (Fine Quotes) We’re busy exporting Democracy abroad to Afghanistan and Iraq, which is fine, but what we really need to do is a better job at making our Democracy work right here at home  (Fine Quotes) I’m thought of as a celebrity. Everything I’ve ever done... has been for children. As long as I was working constantly, that was fine, because, although I don’t have any children, I do relate better to them than adults.  (Fine Quotes) We get angry about the small things sometimes, I feel, so that we feel like we’re doing something, so that we don’t have to tackle the big things. And it’s fine; let people do that. But I’m not gonna now change because of that. You know? Like, the worst thing that happens to me is you don’t like me. And then what?  (Fine Quotes) If you want to get together in any exclusive situation and have people love you, fine - but to hang all this desperate sociology on the idea of The Cloud-Guy who has The Big Book, who knows if you’ve been bad or good - and CARES about any of it - to hang it all on that, folks, is the chimpanzee part of the brain working.  (Fine Quotes)
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