Fire Quotes
Text Quotes
Upturned toward the sun, eyes closed. That color and warmth I see and feel is the soul on fire. If only it remained when again my eyes opened (Fire Quotes)
You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what’s burning inside you. and we edit to let the fire show through the smoke (Fire Quotes)
I have gone marking the atlas of your body with crosses of fire. My mouth went across: a spider, trying to hide. In you, behind you, timid, driven by thirst (Fire Quotes)
Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they want to have a war, let it begin here (Fire Quotes)
Men, you know you are all marksmen, you can take a squirrel from the tallest tree. Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes (Fire Quotes)
If there be fuel prepared, it is hard to tell whence the spark shall come that shall set it on fire (Fire Quotes)
The sun beats down with a merciless white fire until the cloudless sky is scarcely blue but rather like the blade of a knife that for days has been ground to the stone (Fire Quotes)
It’s like a fire. It goes through a journey, and each stage is interesting. I don’t regret the passing of time. I try to live in the present, which should mean my life’s full (Fire Quotes)
Someday, after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energy of love; and for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire (Fire Quotes)
A visual experience is vitalizing. Whereas to write great poetry, to draw continuously on one’s inner life, is not merely exhausting, it is to keep alight a consuming fire (Fire Quotes)
A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire; not too near, lest he burn; not too far off, lest he freeze (Fire Quotes)
Would you please publish the enclosed manuscript or return it without delay, as I have other irons in the fire (Fire Quotes)
Not one of us will have to raise a sword. Not one gun would we need to fire. The great cannon that will be fired is our unity (Fire Quotes)
Just as a fire is covered by smoke and a mirror is obscured by dust, just as the embryo rests deep within the womb, wisdom is hidden by selfish desire (Fire Quotes)
All the heroes, the fire fighters and police men are dying. Don’t forget them, many are still alive (Fire Quotes)
Do they know they’re old, these two who are my father and my mother whose fire from which I came, has now grown cold? (Fire Quotes)
Knowledge always demands increase; it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some external agent, but will afterwards always propagate itself (Fire Quotes)
Wit is brushwood; judgment timber; the one gives the greatest flame, and the other yields the most durable heat; and both meeting make the best fire (Fire Quotes)
When someone tells me there is only one way to do things, it always lights a fire under my butt. My instant reaction is, I’m going to prove you wrong! (Fire Quotes)
Yet smelt roast meat, beheld a huge fire shine, and cooks in motion with their clean arms bared (Fire Quotes)
The most phlegmatic dispositions often contain the most inflammable spirits, as fire is struck from the hardest flints (Fire Quotes)
Our conscience is a fire within us, and our sins as the fuel; instead of warming, it will scorch us, unless the fuel be removed, or the heat of it allayed by penitential tears (Fire Quotes)
The children born of thee are sword and fire, red ruin, and the breaking up of law (Fire Quotes)
Poetry is enthusiasm with wings of fire; it is the angel of high thoughts, that inspires us with the power of sacrifice (Fire Quotes)
It is an impudent kind of sorcery to attempt to blind us with the smoke without convincing us that the fire has existed (Fire Quotes)
God multiplies intelligence, which communicates itself, like fire, ad infinitum. Light a thousand torches at one touch, the flame remains always the same (Fire Quotes)
Work is the world’s easiest escape from boredom and the only sure fire road to success (Fire Quotes)
What is more useful than fire? Yet if any one prepares to burn a house, it is with fire that he arms his daring hands (Fire Quotes)
The great man who thinks greatly of himself, is not diminishing that greatness in heaping fuel on his fire (Fire Quotes)
Love is like fire... Wounds of fire are hard to bear; harder still are those of love (Fire Quotes)