Firmness Quotes
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Truth, purity, self-control, firmness, fearlessness, humility, unity, peace, and renunciation - these are the inherent qualities of a civil resister. (Firmness Quotes)
Firmness in decision is often merely a form of stupidity. It indicates an inability to think the same thing out twice (Firmness Quotes)
Health begins with firmness in the body, deepens to emotional stability, then leads to intellectual clarity, wisdom and finally the unveiling of the soul. (Firmness Quotes)
The best combination of parents consists of a father who is gentle beneath his firmness, and a mother who is firm beneath her gentleness. (Firmness Quotes)
As I have shown, I will defend democracy with arms when it is threatened by violence; with firmness when it is weakened by division; with law and order when it is subverted by anarchy; and always, I will try to sustain it by wise policies of economic progress so that a democracy means not just an empty liberty, but a full life for all. (Firmness Quotes)
Choose the course which you adopt with deliberation; but when you have adopted it, then persevere in it with firmness (Firmness Quotes)
Over your breasts of motionless current, over your legs of firmness and water, over the permanence and the pride of your naked hair I want to be, my love, now that the tears are thrown into the raucous baskets where they accumulate, I want to be, my love, alone with a syllable of mangled silver, alone with a tip of your breast of snow (Firmness Quotes)
Health begins with firmness in the body, deepens to emotional stability, then leads to intellectual clarity, wisdom and finally the unveiling of the soul (Firmness Quotes)
The best combination of parents consists of a father who is gentle beneath his firmness, and a mother who is firm beneath her gentleness (Firmness Quotes)
Take delight in a thing, or rather in anything, not as a means to some other end, but just because it is what it is. A child in the full health of his mind will put his hand flat on the summer lawn, feel it, and give a little shiver of private glee at the elastic firmness of the globe (Firmness Quotes)
I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man (Firmness Quotes)
There is a natural firmness in some minds, which cannot be unlocked by trifles, but which, when unlocked, discovers a cabinet of fortitude (Firmness Quotes)
O God! That one might read the book of fate, and see the revolution of the times Make mountains level, and the continent, weary of solid firmness, melt itself into the sea! (Firmness Quotes)
Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life - in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us to do as well as to talk; and to make our words and actions all of a color (Firmness Quotes)
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds (Firmness Quotes)
Firmness or stiffness of the mind is not from adherence to truth, but submission to prejudice (Firmness Quotes)
Nothing is so discouraging to subordinates as a chief who hesitates. Firmness, said Napoleon, prevails in all things (Firmness Quotes)
Obstinacy is the strength of the weak. Firmness founded upon principle, upon the truth and right, order and law, duty and generosity, is the obstinacy of sages (Firmness Quotes)
The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things (Firmness Quotes)
People without firmness of character love to make up a fate for themselves; that relieves them of the necessity of having their own will and of taking responsibility for themselves (Firmness Quotes)
God know that a mother need fortitude and courage and tolerance and flexibility and patience and firmness and nearly every other brave aspect of the human soul (Firmness Quotes)
God knows that a mother needs fortitude and courage and tolerance and flexibility and patience and firmness and nearly every other brave aspect of the human soul. But because I happen to be a parent of almost fiercely maternal nature, I praise casualness. It seems to me the rarest of virtues. It is useful enough when children are small. It is useful to the point of necessity when they are adolescents (Firmness Quotes)
Confide not in the firmness of your principles, or the steadfastness of your integrity. Be always vigilant and fearful. Never think you have enough of knowledge, and let not your caution slumber for a moment, for you know not when danger is near (Firmness Quotes)
Duty performed gives clearness and firmness to faith, and faith thus strengthened through duty becomes the more assured and satisfying to the soul (Firmness Quotes)
When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through, it is best to make up our minds to it, meet it with firmness, and accommodate everything to it in the best way practicable. This lessens the evil; while fretting and fuming only serves to increase your own torments (Firmness Quotes)
There are certain things in war of which the commander alone comprehends the importance. Nothing but his superior firmness and ability can subdue and surmount all difficulties (Firmness Quotes)
Firmness in all aspects is a most important quality when gardening, not only in planting but in pruning, dividing and tying up. Plants are like babies, they know when an amateur is handling them (Firmness Quotes)
Lay a beam between these two towers of such width as we need to walk on: there is no philosophical wisdom of such great firmness that it can give us courage to walk on it as we should if it were on the ground (Firmness Quotes)
In respect to foresight and firmness, the people are more prudent, more stable, and have better judgement than princes (Firmness Quotes)
The scholar may be sure that he writes the tougher truth for the calluses on his palms. They give firmness to the sentence. Indeed, the mind never makes a great and successful effort, without a corresponding energy of the body (Firmness Quotes)