First Year Of Life Quotes

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I suspect I was not the first 21-year-old who thought he knew more than he did. And one of the virtues of age, one of the virtues of getting married and becoming a father, is it often leads one to take a more measured approach to life (First Year Of Life Quotes)
A man spends the first year of his life learning that he ends at his own skin, and the rest of his life learning that he doesn’t. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
From 1949 to 1953, I studied towards the diploma in Natural Sciences at the Swiss Polytechnical School in Zurich. It is in the last year of this study that I made my first contacts with fundamental research, when working on the isolation and characterization of a new isomer of Cl34 with a half-life of 1.5 seconds. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
When my sister and I came along, my father’s political life was completely over. He ran for president the year I was born. So that was the end of it. He had been congressman first, then governor, before all that. So when we came along, he was running the Dayton newspaper. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
I was destined to work with dying patients. I had no choice when I encountered my first AIDS patient. I felt called to travel some 250,000 miles each year to hold workshops that helped people cope with the most painful aspects of life, death and the transition between the two. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
From my first year on the faculty, there was always so much more I wanted to impart to the students. I decided that, rather than waste the last day of class summarizing the semester, I’d spend my time talking about what I’d learned in life that was useful. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
As I followed my dream - stayed in-Spirit, that is, inspired - I made more money in the first year after I gave up my employment than I had made in the previous 35 years of my life. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
My first year and a half in Hollywood, I did three films. Then in 1959, I was in ‘Gidget,’ ‘Imitation of Life’ and ‘A Summer Place.’ After that, I was a star. It was fun. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
The first year I was sober was probably the worst year of my life. My immune system was screwed. I completely isolated myself. I was weak all the time. I didn’t know who I was. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
In 1974 I was trying to get my first little band together. That year marked kind of a traumatic point in my life, but I had a lot of support from friends and family and a lot of good things ended up coming out of it. (First Year Of Life Quotes)
Your first pregnancy you have nothing to do except sleep and take care of yourself and go to prenatal yoga or whatever. Now I have a full-time job, I have a four-year-old, I’ve got a life that is demanding my attention, so I’ve gone to prenatal yoga once. It’s such a bummer (First Year Of Life Quotes)
A game one of my sisters will play with me in my first year of being alive is called Good Baby, Bad Baby. This consists of being told I am a good baby until I smile and laugh, then being told I am a bad baby until I burst into tears. This training will stand me in good stead all through my life (First Year Of Life Quotes)
For almost the first year of The Muse’s life, I would do 5 to 8 networking events a week. And I don’t necessarily think that’s the right path for everyone, but I realized that as an entrepreneur, one of my strengths was finding the right people who could help us. I didn’t come into startups with any network (First Year Of Life Quotes)
I was facing life for the first time. I was 12 years old, but I felt like a 20 year old. I knew then what life was (First Year Of Life Quotes)
It’s important that we attempt to extend life beyond Earth now. It is the first time in the four billion-year history of Earth that it’s been possible, and that window could be open for a long time - hopefully it is - or it could be open for a short time. We should err on the side of caution and do something now (First Year Of Life Quotes)
I always found the extraordinary loss of life in the First World War very moving. I remember learning about it as a very young child, as an eight- or nine-year-old, asking my teachers what poppies were for. Every year the teachers would suddenly wear these red paper flowers in their lapels, and I would say ‘What does that mean?’ (First Year Of Life Quotes)
What do we know about autism in 2013? Autism symptoms generally emerge before age three and usually much earlier, often as language delays or lack of social engagement. Recent research suggests that autism can be detected during the first year of life, even before classic symptoms emerge. Indeed, the symptoms may be a late stage of autism (First Year Of Life Quotes)
A study last year showed that the page you turn to first in the newspaper can be a predictor of how long you will live. No surprise, turning first to the Comics Pages prolongs your life (First Year Of Life Quotes)
Learning to speak, therefore, and the power it brings of intelligent converse with others, is a most impressive further step along the path of independence... Learning to walk is especially significant, not only because it is supremely complex, but because it is done in the first year of life (First Year Of Life Quotes)