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Fischer Quotes

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Fischer, who may or may not be mad as a hatter, has every right to be horrified  (Fischer Quotes) Play out a boring game to the end and funny things can happen; Fischer knew it  (Fischer Quotes) I am not sure the others are as committed as Rob Hall and Scott Fischer. I think there is more business now, and I know it will be impossible to stop this Everest business  (Fischer Quotes) My first reaction on being awarded the Nobel Prize was, actually, I thought of Fischer Black, my colleague. He unfortunately had passed away. And there was no doubt in my mind that if he were still alive, he would have been a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize.  (Fischer Quotes) Being a friend of Fischer obviously is no undivided pleasure, though being Fischer seems sadder  (Fischer Quotes) I’m definitely the first no.1 in the world since Fischer, and probably at least since Kasparov, who probably has the most potential to dominate for the foreseeable future.  (Fischer Quotes)