Fist Quotes

Text Quotes
About 25 years ago, I was in an apartment, and next door, they put on the radio, so I struck the wall with my fist, but they did not put the radio down. I took a tool and banged until I made a hole through the wall. It was like a comedy movie (Fist Quotes)
The heart of government, coated with whatever velvet gloves you want to put on it, is a mailed fist of force and coercion (Fist Quotes)
Love will not always linger longest with those who hold it in too clenched a fist (Fist Quotes)
I have always done my own stunts, and I have been in hundreds of fights in films, but I have never been in a fist fight outside the movies (Fist Quotes)
Being an activist is about getting things done. It’s not about standing around shaking your fist in anger (Fist Quotes)
It’s true, isn’t it, that each of us has two hearts? The secret heart, curled behind like a fist, living gnarled and shrunken beneath the plain, open one we use every day (Fist Quotes)
Girls don’t fight fair. They pull your hair and gauge you and pinch you; then they run off gasping to mommy when you try and defend yourself with a fist. Then you get locked into time out, and for what? No, my friend, the secret is, don’t snap at the bait. Let it dangle. Swim around it. Laugh it off. After a while they’ve given up and try to lure someone else (Fist Quotes)
My breathing slowed. I shaded her thick chestnut hair resting in a smooth curve against her face, a large bruise blazing across her cheek. I paused, looking over my shoulder to make certain I was alone. I drew her eye makeup, smudged by tears. In her watery eyes I drew the reflection of the commander, standing in front of her, his fist clenched. I continued to sketch, exhaled, and shook out my hands (Fist Quotes)
They held each other and wept as the night closed its fist around their tiny shelter, and the world below them seethed with killers both living and dead (Fist Quotes)
Al: So what’s your strategy? Ed: I told you, a fist in his face! (Fist Quotes)
A basketball team is like the five fingers on your hand. If you can get them all together, you have a fist. That’s how I want you to play (Fist Quotes)
A competitor continually sets new goals. He feels the need to keep raising the bar. If the fist goal is to make the team, and he achieves it, he immediately resets the goal to: I want to be a starter (Fist Quotes)
Not content to have the audience in the palm of his hand, he goes one further and clenches his fist (Fist Quotes)
Eventually the man comes to see that he has a mind, and that his mind is like a fist, wrapped tightly around a single thought. He cannot open the fist to look at the thought, for fear that it will fly away, but he knows that it is very important and that he must hang on to it, no matter what the cost (Fist Quotes)
When you are in a state of nonacceptance, it’s difficult to learn. A clenched fist cannot receive a gift, and a clenched psyche grasped tightly against the reality of what must not be accepted cannot easily receive a lesson (Fist Quotes)
The link between intimate violence in the home and the international violence of terrorism and war is as tightly bound together as the fingers of a clenched fist (Fist Quotes)
Think of yourselves as a hand. Each of you is a finger, and without the others you’re useless. Alone, a finger can’t grasp, or control, or form a fist. You are nothing on your own, and everything together (Fist Quotes)
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but all together we make a mighty fist (Fist Quotes)
When a woman is making love with a man, a sense of heat in her brain, which brings forth with it sensual delight, communicates the taste of that delight during the act and summons forth the emission of the man’s seed. And when the seed has fallen into its place, that vehement heat descending from her brain draws the seed to itself and holds it, and soon the woman’s sexual organs contract and all parts that are ready to open up during the time of menstruation now close, in the same way as a strong man can hold something enclosed in his fist (Fist Quotes)
With a sound like a bat hitting a watermelon, pirate fist connected with pirate jaw and a gold tooth bounced across the deck (Fist Quotes)
You know what it takes to win. Just look at my fist. When I make a fist, it’s strong and you can’t tear it apart. As long as there’s unity, there’s strength. We must become so close with the bonds of loyalty and sacrifice, so deep with the conviction of the sole purpose, that no one, no group, no thing, can ever tear us apart (Fist Quotes)
We shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we will smash them with our clenched fist (Fist Quotes)
Why is it that an extended olive branch often turns to a clinched fist of hatred? (Fist Quotes)
I felt the crumpled paper that had taken the place of my lungs expand as if released from a fist (Fist Quotes)
Seek justice from tyrannical governments not with your hat in your hands but with a rifle in your fist (Fist Quotes)
If you make a fist and hold it for two hours, you won’t be able to pick up a glass because you’ll be so weak. Let’s stay loose. Let’s have fun (Fist Quotes)
There’s always a place for the angry young man with his fist in the air and his head in the sand. He’s never been able to learn from mistakes, he can’t understand why his heart always breaks (Fist Quotes)
Golfers don’t fist fight. They cuss a bit. But they wouldn’t punch anything or anybody. They might hurt their hands and have to change their grip (Fist Quotes)
In an effort to civilize combat sports, authorities mandated padded gloves and instantly made the sports far more savage. Granted, putting gloves on the hands seems like a nice thing to do. If you were being punched in the brain by a powerful man, wouldn’t you rather he strap a pillow around his fist? But the glove doesn’t do anything to diminish your brain damage (Fist Quotes)
Who grasps with his fist one who has an arm of steel injures only his own powerless wrist. Wait till inconstant fortune ties his hand, then... pick out his brains (Fist Quotes)