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A Republican philosophy goes something like this: If you take your car to the mechanic, and instead of fixing it, they take out the engine and charge you an arm and a leg, you should conclude that mechanics can’t fix cars and you should probably just take yours to the junkyard and sell it for scrap metal. (Fix Quotes)
People say writing is really hard. That’s very unfair to those who are doing real jobs. People who work in the fields or fix roofs, engineers, or car mechanics. I think lying on your back working under an oily car, that’s a job. (Fix Quotes)
As you get older, things conk out. It’s a bit like a car. As long as it’s something the mechanics can fix, you can chug on for a few more thousand miles. (Fix Quotes)
The ‘find it, fix it ‘model of medicine doesn’t work any more. The U.S. healthcare system is bankrupting the country, bankrolling the insurance companies and exhausting healthcare staff. And despite all that, we are ranked 50th in the world for life expectancy. (Fix Quotes)
We want to show how technology can be applied to fix our problems. We need to celebrate not just success but to celebrate people who make a difference. It starts with people who do things for love, with no expectation of return. Some of that turns into enormous financial success, and then some of it goes back into doing it for love. (Fix Quotes)
The best thing for the American public is that we do our job. That Washington changes. That the Senate and the House get together and fix their differences and find common ground. (Fix Quotes)
In a play, you only get one chance, and you have to get it perfect. In a film, you can change and fix it whatever way you want, so really, there’s a pretty big difference. (Fix Quotes)
There is no quick fix. At the end of the day, you still have to do the work to maintain your weight. It can’t be a diet. You have to change your life. (Fix Quotes)
It would be impossible to estimate how much time and energy we invest in trying to fix, change and deny our emotions - especially the ones that shake us at our very core, like hurt, jealousy, loneliness, shame, rage and grief. (Fix Quotes)
In my opinion, nothing changes after you get married. If ain’t broke, don’t fix it. (Fix Quotes)
We are not here to fix, change or belittle another person. We are here to support, forgive and heal one another. (Fix Quotes)
If everything is going well in my life then I start to read the papers more and I start to worry about everything I can’t deal with. They say wisdom is knowing what you can fix and what you can’t change. I’m very unwise. (Fix Quotes)
Girls will go out and spend $200 or $300 dollars on a pair of shoes, but you should also be taking care of your skin. That’s the first thing people see. I think it’s an investment. It’s a lot cheaper to use really great products now, rather than trying to fix problematic skin later on in life. That’s always been my motto. (Fix Quotes)
I am running to fix the economy, restore the constitutional system of checks and balances and to end this game of crony capitalism by the ruling class in Washington. (Fix Quotes)
Part of any serious QA is removing Perl code the same way you go over a dilapidated building you inherit to remove chewing gum and duct tape and fix whatever was kept together for real. (Fix Quotes)
Chinese government is very clearly losing power in every aspect, but trying to fix up all the problems or potential problems. (Fix Quotes)
A man don’t always have to eat what he’s standing life. If he wants, a man can fix a meal of his own choosing. (Fix Quotes)
We become like what we focus upon. Fix your eyes upon Christ and be conformed into His image. (Fix Quotes)
Lies don’t fix things. They don’t even make things easier, at least not in the long run. Best to tell the truth and then clean up an honest mess. (Fix Quotes)
To appropriately respond to an emergency requires a very clear mind, to cooly analyze what the observations are and how to fix it. (Fix Quotes)
There is no transcendent creator in animism, no God who set the clocks ticking and decides which ones to fix when they falter; nothing exists outside of nature. In other words, my philosophy does not require that I believe in something I cannot experience directly. (Fix Quotes)
I played with a left hamstring injury since playing college football at Washington University. I went to doctors all over the country to find out what was wrong, and none of them could figure out the problem in my hamstring. I went to Drs. Baker and they found a huge knot in my hamstring. They were able to release it and fix my hamstring problem. (Fix Quotes)
I’d never have guessed that, six years after Medicare introduced a drug benefit, it would still be forbidden to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies. Health reform might fix that, but it probably won’t. (Fix Quotes)
Savvy observers occasionally note television’s resemblance to the weather: Everybody loves to complain about it, but nobody can do anything to fix it. (Fix Quotes)
I briefly did therapy, but after a while, I realised it is just like a farmer complaining about the weather. You can’t fix the weather - you just have to get on with it. (Fix Quotes)
Marriage is a very complicated machine. When it breaks down, you can’t fix it with one screw. (Fix Quotes)
Yeah, I’m a geek. I read sci-fi and I watch sci-fi films. I love my computer and I love to fix it. I’m a total nerd. I literally am a 12-year-old geeky boy trapped in a 32-year-old woman’s body. (Fix Quotes)
In high school, I used to teach guitar and fix computers by the hour. I was looking for some way to make some cash, so I actually learned how to play guitar in order to try to teach it. (Fix Quotes)
The world is constantly changing. You’re constantly learning and you have to be willing to get off your mark, and get off your spot and take that knowledge you have not to fix yourself into a place but to keep going. (Fix Quotes)
At the end of the day, you’re responsible for yourself and your actions and that’s all you can control. So rather than be frustrated with what you can’t control, try to fix the things you can. (Fix Quotes)