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Flake Quotes

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With every falling flake, a unique spark of interest falls from heaven  (Flake Quotes) September fattens on vines. Roses flake from the wall. The smoke of harmless fires drifts to my eyes. This is plenty. This is more than enough  (Flake Quotes) The universe now appeared to me as a void wherein floated rare flakes of snow, each flake a universe  (Flake Quotes) Nature’s silence is its one remark, and every flake of world is a chip off that old mute and immutable block  (Flake Quotes) To appreciate the beauty of a snow flake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold  (Flake Quotes) It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it  (Flake Quotes) Don’t drag candidates through weeks of endless interviews. Don’t flake out on interviews. At DeveloperAuction, we often have offer letters prepared in advance, so we can hand them to great candidates as they are leaving the office  (Flake Quotes) The house was immaculate, as always, not a stray hair anywhere, not a flake of dandruff or a crumpled towel. Even the roses on the dining-room table held their breath. A kind of airless cleanliness that always made me want to sneeze  (Flake Quotes)