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Flamenco Quotes

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She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar  (Flamenco Quotes) As far as current inspiration, I’m listenting to a lot of flamenco, because the techniques used for flamenco can be adapted to playing bass  (Flamenco Quotes) I did ballet, jazz and flamenco from when I was five years old. And my professional career started with dancing in musicals  (Flamenco Quotes) The guitar is such an incredible instrument; it plays classical, flamenco, jazz, country, bluegrass, rock, acid, blues. You’ll never see a clarinet playing Black Sabbath. But you will see a guitar in a clarinet band playing rhythm. It is the most popular instrument in the world; it is the one everybody loves.  (Flamenco Quotes) We are a very typical Spanish family - a bullfighter, an actress, a flamenco dancer and singer!  (Flamenco Quotes) I’d like to get something together - like a Handel, Bach, Muddy waters, flamenco type of thing. If I could get that sound, I’d be happy  (Flamenco Quotes)