Flames Quotes

Text Quotes
The American obliviousness towards the suffering of Palestinians refugees plays a major part in radicalizing people. And we are fanning the flames of puritanism (Flames Quotes)
I don’t find the wave model very productive, because I think it kind of serves to fan the flames of generational tension, or make it seem like there’s more generational tension than there actually is (Flames Quotes)
God discovers the martyr and confessor without the trial of flames and tortures, and will hereafter entitle many to the reward of actions which they had never the opportunity of performing (Flames Quotes)
This is part of what it means to become holy, to be refined by fire. Difficulties and sufferings are God’s form of hazing. Sometimes it gets so hard, we think Him cruel. But He’s only looking for men and women who will keep their cool when things go horribly wrong, a people prepared to dash into burning rooms to rescue those about to be engulfed in flames (Flames Quotes)
Maybe in a way all living things are like flickering flames in a precarious night, always on the verge of being extinguished. Whether we kindle slowly but steadily, or go out in a brilliant burst of light and color, is our choice. Perhaps the most important choice we’ll ever have. (Flames Quotes)
Let me say this: I believe closing Guantanamo is in our Nation’s national security interest. Guantanamo is used not only by al-Qaida, but also by other nations, governments, and individuals - people good and bad - as a symbol of America’s abuse of Muslims, and it is fanning the flames of anti-Americanism around the world. (Flames Quotes)
I’m cautious about using fire. It can become theatrical. I am interested in the heat, not the flames. (Flames Quotes)
Life has two halves: one patient and one afire. Love is the fiery half. Make me, O Lord, food for the flames. (Flames Quotes)
We know what the birth of a revolution looks like: A student stands before a tank. A fruit seller sets himself on fire. A line of monks link arms in a human chain. Crowds surge, soldiers fire, gusts of rage pull down the monuments of tyrants, and maybe, sometimes, justice rises from the flames. (Flames Quotes)
If we go down in flames, we will be laughing on the way down, believe me (Flames Quotes)
The closest fires were near enough for us to hear the crackling flames and the yells of firemen. Little fires grew into big ones even as we watched. Big ones died down under the firemen’s valor only to break out again later. (Flames Quotes)
Chained inside the carriage is a sinful woman. When we set the carriage afire, her flesh will be roasted, her bones will be charred: she will die an agonizing death. Never again will you have such a perfect model for the screen. Do not fail to watch as her snow-white flesh erupts in flames. See and remember her long black hair dancing in a whirl of sparks! (Flames Quotes)
While most Americans know about the Boston Tea Party, few are aware of the Liberty Tree and how important it was to fanning the flames of rebellion that led to the revolution in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence. (Flames Quotes)
The box jellyfish takes you into an area of what I’d call science fiction. You feel like you’ve been dipped in hot burning oil. You burst into flames. (Flames Quotes)
We nurture the candle flames that show the way ahead. We are guerrillas of the word, unsung heroes breathing softly on the embers of the human mind, so that they might re-ignite the hearths around which we once found safe haven. The book is the Light and the Life. (Flames Quotes)
There was this thing written that I had gone into a candle store, and my hair went up in flames because of all the hair spray. First of all, I never have hair spray in my hair, and I’ve never even heard of this store, and my hair has never been burned. (Flames Quotes)
Variety’s the source of joy below, From whence still fresh-revolving pleasures flow, In books and love the mind one end pursues, And only change the expiring flames renews. (Flames Quotes)
When I was 13 or 14, my parents had a bit of a windfall so bought a lovely new kitchen, but I burnt it down. I was making cheese on toast when flames escaped from the grill. My father stopped the fire with blind panic and excessive water. I was forgiven, but it put me off cooking for years. (Flames Quotes)
I don’t know about you, but I’ve saved cards that old high school flames wrote me as well as those that employees have written me over the years. The power of genuine, customized appreciation will never lose its value, even in a gloomy economy... in fact, it’s probably what we’re all thirsty for in this desert of a depression. (Flames Quotes)
I love using gas grills because they are easier to heat and it’s much easier to control the flames with a gas grill than with a charcoal fire. Grilling is not just about lighting a fire. (Flames Quotes)
Rise like the morning sun and cover the entire day with your bliss_____ ignite the flames of your passion so that destiny will come to your feet and kiss. (Flames Quotes)
I think when you’re a child, you just cling to the basics, which is the basic story of Jesus and the crucifixion and hell and eternal punishment and the flames. This was all stuff that was - forget when you’re young. (Flames Quotes)
Though Satan instils his poison, and fans the flames of our corrupt desires within us,we are yet not carried by any external force to the commission of sin, but our own flesh entices us, and we willingly yield to its allurements. (Flames Quotes)
Some friends are like sunny days, with false flames, oozing from afar, coming near without a dime (Flames Quotes)
I’d rather fight 100 structure fires than a wildfire. With a structure fire you know where your flames are, but in the woods it can move anywhere; it can come right up behind you. (Flames Quotes)
He who sits/stands in front of the fire sees more than the flames.. He feels the heat! Too often from a distance others observe the flames only as a source of light. (Flames Quotes)
A dungeon horrible, on all sides round, As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames No light; but rather darkness visible Served only to discover sights of woe (Flames Quotes)
A fire will burn itself out, unless you open a window and give it fuel.. And when flames are licking at your heels you’ve got to break a wall or two if you want to escape. (Flames Quotes)
Some Libertarians argue that Western occupation fans the flames of radical Islam; I agree. But I don’t agree that, absent Western occupation, that radical Islam ‘goes quietly into that good night.’ (Flames Quotes)
Fiercely guard the passions burning inside your heart, so that their flames can safely reach the highest ceilings of success without the eyes of envy. (Flames Quotes)