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Flamethrower Quotes

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Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness  (Flamethrower Quotes) I only need to know one thing. Am I going to need the flamethrower?  (Flamethrower Quotes) He’d been wrong, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was a flamethrower  (Flamethrower Quotes) The broom wasn’t as comforting as a flamethrower would have been, but it was better than a mop and certainly more threatening than a feather duster  (Flamethrower Quotes) I’d want to bring a flamethrower to faculty meetings. The preciousness of academics and their fragile personalities would not be tolerated in any other business in the known universe.  (Flamethrower Quotes) Say whatever you want. But the United States has a kickass military and really good bullshit marketing people. If this country was a person it would be a used car salesman with a flamethrower.  (Flamethrower Quotes)