Flat Quotes

Text Quotes
Flat muscled and honey coloured. Sea secrets in his eyes. A silver raindrop in his ear (Flat Quotes)
I had the brief notion that his heart, pressed flat as a flower, crimson and thin as tissue paper, lay in this file. It was a very thin one (Flat Quotes)
Corn wind in the fall, come off the black lands, come off the whisper of the silk hangers, the lap of the flat spear leaves (Flat Quotes)
Great organizations demand a high level of commitment by the people involved. Eliminate politics, by giving everybody the same message. Keep a flat organization in which all issues are discussed openly. Empower teams to do their own things (Flat Quotes)
Life would be flat without music. It is the background to all I do. It speaks to the heart in its own special way like nothing else (Flat Quotes)
The first object of the painter is to make a flat plane appear as a body in relief and projecting from that plane (Flat Quotes)
You’re not going to learn anything if you’re not prepared to go flat, so I’m very happy to go flat (Flat Quotes)
I never had much interest in being a child. As a way of being it seemed flat, failed to engage (Flat Quotes)
Well they are very frightening for me because their stupidity is so flat. You look into the eyes of a chicken and you lose yourself in a completely flat, frightening stupidity. They are like a great metaphor for me... I kind of love chicken, but they frighten me more than any other animal (Flat Quotes)
The world is for thousands a freak show; the images flicker past and vanish; the impressions remain flat and unconnected in the soul. Thus they are easily led by the opinions of others, are content to let their impressions be shuffled and rearranged and evaluated differently (Flat Quotes)
I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you’re making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic. So it can be something as simple as, like, if you’re someone who doesn’t cook, you can make a meal (Flat Quotes)
For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die (Flat Quotes)
Some stories, she’d say, the more you tell them, the faster you use them up. Those kind, the drama burns off, and every version, they sound more silly and flat. The other kind of story, it uses you up. The more you tell it, the stronger it gets. Those kind of stories only remind you how stupid you were. Are. Will always be (Flat Quotes)
Once, when she was six years old, she had fallen from a tree, flat on her stomach. She could still recall that sickening interval before breath came back into her body. Now, as she looked at him, she felt the same way she had felt then, breathless, stunned, nauseated (Flat Quotes)
The disc, being flat, has no real horizon. Any adventurous sailor who got funny ideas from staring at eggs and oranges for too long and set out for the antipodes soon learned that the reason why distant ships sometimes looked as though they were disappearing over the edge of the world was that they were disappearing over the edge of the world (Flat Quotes)
When people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together (Flat Quotes)
When you are painting you should take a flat mirror and often look at your work within it, and it will then be seen in reverse, and will appear to be by the hand of some other master, and you will be better able to judge of its faults than in any other way (Flat Quotes)
Words like passion and ecstasy, we learn them but they stay flat on the page. Sometimes we try to turn them over, find out what’s on the other side, and everyone has a story to tell os a woman or a brothel or an opium night or a war. We fear it. We fear passion and laugh at too much love and those who love too much (Flat Quotes)
I guess it’s like trying to put through the flat tax, which is probably my favorite one of all... if we did pass it, all of a sudden, what do you have? You have the whole tax system run by a little old lady on a home computer, doing the work of all these thousands of bureaucrats and accountants. Passing that would be amazing, wouldn’t it? (Flat Quotes)
We lived in a flat that you could pretty much fit in my current kitchen. No wonder people drink! I can’t understand why they don’t throw themselves off the balconies (Flat Quotes)
I could jump, I was quick, I could catch and all those types of things, but when it came to just flat out speed, that’s something I had to work really hard at (Flat Quotes)
In spring they lie flat at the first warmth, they ruin my summer and in autumn they smell of women (Flat Quotes)
I wanted to translate from one flat surface to another. In fact, my learning disabilities controlled a lot of things. I don’t recognize faces, so I’m sure it’s what drove me to portraits in the first place (Flat Quotes)
When people come to me and tell me I was terrific in this or that, I do not want to fall flat on my face the next time. But, tough, I have fallen flat before. You just get up and dust yourself off (Flat Quotes)
I no longer worry whether a painting is about something or not. I am only concerned with the expectation, from a flat surface, of an illusion (Flat Quotes)
Nevertheless, one doesn’t have time to think, oh, well, this is a quarter tone sharp, or flat (Flat Quotes)
As to the effect of the wave on the air, we will suppose the water to be quite flat and the air motionless, a heavy undulation comes on the scene, it has to pass, so it pushes the air up with its face, letting it fall again as its back glides onwards (Flat Quotes)
People who think it doesn’t matter who owns our auto industry are flat wrong (Flat Quotes)
This is the challenge of writing. You have to be very emotionally engaged in what you’re doing, or it comes out flat. You can’t fake your way through this (Flat Quotes)
You couldn’t advance in a finance department in this country unless you taught that the world was flat (Flat Quotes)