Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies

Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies
The proverb "Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies" speaks to the idea that people are often more receptive to praise and flattery than they are to criticism or harsh truths. This concept has been observed throughout history and across cultures, as individuals tend to gravitate towards those who make them feel good about themselves, rather than those who challenge their beliefs or behaviors.Flattery has long been recognized as a powerful tool for building relationships and gaining favor with others. When someone is showered with compliments and praise, they are more likely to feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to a sense of connection and camaraderie. In this way, flattery can be used to win over friends and allies, as people are naturally drawn to those who make them feel good about themselves.
On the other hand, truth-telling can often be a more difficult pill to swallow. While honesty is generally considered a virtue, it can also be a source of discomfort and conflict. When someone speaks the truth, especially if it is critical or challenging, it can be met with resistance and defensiveness. People may feel threatened or offended by the truth, leading to strained relationships and even outright hostility.