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Flaws Quotes

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Don’t let any emotional thought concerning success or failure, fame or gain, overtake you, and don’t dwell upon them. Give up your personal shortcomings, such as foolish talk, distracting activities, and absentmindedness. Train in being totally gentle in all physical, verbal, or mental activities. Don’t ponder the flaws of others; think instead of their good sides  (Flaws Quotes) Couples who make it aren’t the ones who never had a reason to get divorced; they are simply the ones who decided early on that their commitment to each other was always going to be bigger than their differences and their flaws  (Flaws Quotes) The same energy used to point out someone’s flaws, can be used to work on your own  (Flaws Quotes) After doing an honest evaluation of myself, I recognize that there are certain issues that I need to work on. Like everyone, I have my flaws, and I do not want to be one of those people that is afraid to admit and address those flaws  (Flaws Quotes) Love has a way of blinding even the sharpest minds. We don’t look because we don’t want to see. But once love is stripped away, we see the real person clearly. There revealed to us, with all their flaws, their foibles, and their secrets  (Flaws Quotes) We’re all flawed, but basically, effective managers are people whose flaws are not fatal under the circumstances. Maybe the best managers are simply ordinary, healthy people who aren’t too screwed up  (Flaws Quotes) In real life, I don’t fall in love with the guy who wines and dines me, I fall in love with the flaws and the humanity  (Flaws Quotes) We’re all on a continuous journey to try and fix our mistakes and flaws. And, believe me, I’ve got plenty of them  (Flaws Quotes) Also, in my acting, I feel very much like a storyteller, exploring the flaws of the characters that I interpret. I look for the imperfections, and I love a character that is just so flawed  (Flaws Quotes) After finishing a draft, no matter how rough, I almost always put it aside for a while. It doesn’t matter if it’s a story or a novel, I find that when it’s still fresh in my mind I’m either thoroughly sick of its flaws or completely blind to them. Either way, I’m unable to make substantive edits of any value  (Flaws Quotes) A lot of guys are very intimidated by an attractive woman, and they dehumanise her because our culture perceives beautiful women as commodities. But I think if you’re able walk up to a person and get to know them, and you see their flaws and their impurities, and realise that they’re like you, then you can humanise them again  (Flaws Quotes) For the believer, humility is honesty about one’s greatest flaws to a degree in which he fearless about truly appearing less righteous than another  (Flaws Quotes) I think the negative traits are what makes us love other human beings, the foibles and the flaws  (Flaws Quotes) I think it’s a dance that people want to see. It’s a chemistry that people want to see. In the same way that people don’t want to see a perfect hero with no flaws who can handle anything, people don’t want to see a perfect relationship. There’s nothing interesting about that. People want to see you fail  (Flaws Quotes) There are flaws in the way politics is reported in this country today and we should do something about it,.. Radio and television coverage of politics doesn’t see its role as a mission to explain, but to destroy, in a pernicious culture in which journalists pit themselves against politicians  (Flaws Quotes) The artist must reckon with his own character flaws, which do not disappear just because he has been called to be an artist  (Flaws Quotes) Presidents by six years have been there long enough for the media and the country to see their flaws  (Flaws Quotes) This was middle school, the age of miracles, the time when kids shot up three inches over the summer, when breasts bloomed from nothing, when voices dipped and dove. Our first flaws were emerging, but they were being corrected. Blurry vision could be fixed invisibly with the magic of the contact lens. Crooked teeth were pulled straight with braces. Spotty skin could be chemically cleared. Some girls were turning beautiful. A few boys were growing tall  (Flaws Quotes) Have compassion for your humanity and your flaws. You’re human and you’re going to make mistakes. Look at yourself through the eyes of a loving parent  (Flaws Quotes) Some truths should perhaps be left unsaid. Some doors unopened. An angel once told me to let go of the ills I held too close, to let go of the flaws that shaped me  (Flaws Quotes) Give yourself a compliment every day. I know this sounds silly, but it really is important. As girls, we spend countless hours focusing on our flaws and trying to correct them or cover them up. It’s essential to focus on something you like about yourself. Maybe you’re having a good hair day or your skin is looking especially healthy. Take a moment each day to focus on the good, and then try to carry that with you throughout the day, because while bangs don’t look good on everyone, confidence does  (Flaws Quotes) Don’t look for flaws as you go through life and even when you find them it is wise and kind to be somewhat blind, and look for the virtue behind them  (Flaws Quotes) The great thing about irony is that it splits things apart, gets up above them so we can see the flaws and hypocrisies and duplicates  (Flaws Quotes) Being a dad has made me more aware of myself. I can see all of my virtues and flaws. They become glaringly clear when my daughter communicates with me in the same ways that I communicate with her. I can really tell where and when I went wrong  (Flaws Quotes) Just just because there are flaws in aircraft design that doesn’t mean flying carpets exist  (Flaws Quotes) If you focus on the flaws of others it takes away from the improvements that you may need to make  (Flaws Quotes) In old days the public didn’t really mind much about accuracy, but nowadays readers take it upon themselves to write to authors on every possible occasion, pointing out flaws  (Flaws Quotes) What I try to do is make sure that the directors I’m working with are on the same page and want to do the same kind of films. You can really protect yourself as an actor if you work with really good people. It can hide a lot of flaws along the way  (Flaws Quotes) A man whose every exertion is bent upon showing up the flaws in his wife’s character must be at least partially responsible for some of them  (Flaws Quotes) I don’t know if I ever feel totally great about a record when I put it out. With every record that I put out, someone has literally got to come pry it from me because when I listen to my own music, I just hear flaws in it  (Flaws Quotes)
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